Programma Presentatie Alcatel 19 mei 2000 Delft Institute for Information Technology in Service Engineering 1. Toelichting op DITSE: H. Bouwman 2. Web.

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1 Programma Presentatie Alcatel 19 mei 2000 Delft Institute for Information Technology in Service Engineering 1. Toelichting op DITSE: H. Bouwman 2. Web enabled call center: mw. J. Beumer 3. Multichannel Coordination: mw. T. van Diepen 4. Mobiel: - M-commerce business models: H. Bouwman - Content Providers UMTS - Service Providers UMTS 5. Quality of Service in wereldwijd IP-netwerk: J.P. van Best

2 Delft Institute for Information Technology in Service Engineering Prof. dr. H.G. Sol wetenschappelijk directeur wetenschappelijk directeur

3 DITSE Mission Statement DITSE provides theories, methodologies, and tools to support new services and enable change processes towards service-oriented organisations. DITSE deals with issues in practice as well as generic research questions, thereby focusing on the following key topics: –Service Engineering in the Information Society –Personal Productivity and ICT-based Services –Business Innovation and Services

4 DITSE Research Programme

5 DITSE Research Programme:

6 SIMLAB Simulation & Visualisation Coupling between simulation environment and all kind of real- life systems (e.g. databases, vehicles, information systems) Simulation with more and more advanced animations nearly create virtual reality Trends in simulation research: –Alternation between logical models and spatial models, even coupled with emulated models. –Simulation algorithms are transformed into code for production environments, without much effort extra. Simulation of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

7 COLLAB: Collaborative Engineering in detail –Extensive experience with the electronic boardroom (brainstorming, evaluating, decision making) –Combination between electronic boardroom and simulation facilities –Experience with collaborative modelling

8 Products & services:  DAISy (Development of Airport Information Systems).  TANGO (Business models financial sector: Toegepassing Addedvalue Network Grootzakelijke Ondernemingen).  DIRIGENT (Business models music sector: Digital Reengineering Internet Generated Network Technology).  PaCE (Ontwikkelomgeving voor ketensimulatie: Participative Chain Engineering).  ModZorg (Modellen in de zorg).  PePSi (Personeelsplanning Simulatie-omgeving).

9 DITSE partners:  Ministeries van VROM, Binnenlandse Zaken, Defensie en Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij.  Belastingdienst.  KPN Research.  ING Bank.  Nationale Nederlanden.  CMG.  Politie Amsterdam en Haaglanden.  Luchthaven Schiphol.

10 Web enabled call centers met application sharing Effecten op efficiency en effectiviteit Joyce Beumer

11 Outline presentatie  Waarom application sharing?  Wat is application sharing?  Ontwikkeling vanuit verschillende disciplines  Factoren die application sharing beïnvloeden  Testen  Hypothesen

12 Waarom application sharing?  Case: revalidatiecentrum voor visueel gehandicapten –lange reisafstanden –lange opnames –lange wachttijden om computer te leren bedienen  Vraag: hoe kunnen deze nadelen worden vermeden? –Observaties van klanten en hulpverleners –Conclusie: telefonisch contact en delen beeldscherm cruciaal  Oplossing: web enabled call center met application sharing.

13 Wat is application sharing?  De mogelijkheid voor twee of meer personen die op fysiek verbonden computers werken om gegevens van elkaar te zien en te kunnen manipuleren.  Collaborative browsing  Just In Time Support

14 Ontwikkeling vanuit verschillende disciplines  Telefoon en data netwerken  Klanten processen –agent interactie –helpdesk achtige activiteiten –kennismanagement  Back- en frontoffice software

15 omgevings factoren taak karakteristieken technologische karakteristieken gebruikers karakteristieken Introductie strategie gebruik application sharing communicatie efficiency communicatie effectiviteit

16 Onderzoek Design  Systeemanalyse –KPN –Siebel Systems –Profuse –Alcatel…. ?  Experiment  Cases

17 Hypothesen gebruik van application-sharing draagt bij aan de efficiency van de communicatie en effectiviteit van taakuitvoering Nadere specificatie hypothesen naar  technologie  soort taak  soort gebruiker  omgeving  het introductieproces

18 Multi-channel coordination Tonja van Diepen

19 Multi-channel distribution as an organization problem 24-hour economy individualization increasing customer demands deregulation technological development MARKET internal organization distribution channels people resources technologies Adapting the internal organization to a customer-oriented multi-channel strategy

20 What are the main issues? By no means a lack of alternatives to approach the market through electronic distribution channels. However: insufficient attention for the need for changes in the internal organization. Multi-channel distribution: more complicated than adding new channels and related processes. The addition of new (electronic) distribution channels has important implications for processes and organization structure in (financial) institutions. As a result, there is need for new forms of coordination to support the new customer-oriented multi-channel strategy.

21 Traditional service model: standard products mass market single-channel distribution Product-oriented strategy and organization 24-hour economy increasing customer demands individualization … Need for new service model: diversified products individual customer multi-channel distribution Financial services sector dynamics

22 Independent development of different channels Problems in provision of services: inconsistencies in information about the customer inconsistencies in information supply to the customer Financial services sector dynamics

23 Observations from practice: problems recognized different (and sometimes even conflicting) information through different distribution channels no sharing of information between distribution channels different access-, security-, and authorization method, different phone numbers each channel has its own marketing and IT policy, its own sales and customer service organization, etc....

24 Need for changes in the internal organization New forms of coordination Directions for improvement

25 Problem of coordination Coordination between the dimensions of products, distribution channels and customers Coordination between different distribution channels and related processes Coordination of entire process over front-office, (mid-office) and back-office Coordination within one distribution channel between different products Four areas of attention:

26 Translation to a new process architecture: main issues Lack of insight in processes and process organization Changes in front-office used to be leading; back-office process changes as a reaction (instant removing of bottlenecks) Strong product orientation needs to be removed from the presently available processes, there is need for new dimensions for distribution channels and customers Need for flexibility in process organization Need for quick insight in necessary adaptations to anticipate new changes Need for designing a new process architecture, based on different “considerations” (e.g. efficiency versus flexibility, generic versus specific organization of processes, …)

27 Traditional situation product A

28 Adding new distribution channels product A channel Achannel Cchannel B

29 Efficiency objective product A channel Achannel Cchannel B

30 channel 1channel 2channel 3 customer segment 1 customer segment 2 customer segment 3 channel 1channel 2channel 3 customer segment customer segment 2 customer segment 3 customer segment 1 customer segment 2 customer segment 3 Flexibility objective product A

31 Overall purpose: building blocks Searching for generic and specific building blocks for designing a (flexible) process architecture to support a customer-oriented multi-channel strategy

32 Next steps Extend research in other sectors Develop concepts for process building blocks

33 Mobiel-drieluik M-commerce business models E-commerce modellen geëvalueerd voor GSM Content Providers Rol Content Providers bij UMTS Service Providers Toegevoegde waarde van Service Providers in UMTS waardeketen

34 E-commerce modellen geëvalueerd voor GSM

35 M-commerce business model Internet E-commerce modellen Brokerage modellen –Buy-sell fullfilment, search agents, buyer aggregator, virtual mall, metamediary, auction broker…. Reclame modellen –Portals: general, personalized, specialized, Attention marketing, Free model, Bargain discounter

36 Infomediary modellen –Recommender, registratie Merchant model –Catalog merchant, surf and turf, virtual merchant, bit vendor Community model –kennisnetwerk, virtual community Abonnement –utility (pay per) model

37 Criteria voor M-commerce Techniek GSM –informatie processing capaciteit en mogelijkheid van lokaliseren van gebruiker  GPRS, EDGE, HSCSD ontwikkel traject  WAP, géén IP-adressering Economie –product (eenvoudig, homogeen, digital-non-digital): tijd en lokatie specifiek

38 –proces  digitale producten: order, fulfillment, payment, after-sales  niet digitale producten: order, payment en aftersales Gebruiker –typologie v traveler, researcher, relaxer, tourist, shopper, misc. –access tot persoonlijke informatie –dienst door gebruiker gedefinieeerd, incl. interface

39 Absoluut –informatie processing capaciteit –fulfillment en after-sales –informatieverschaffing Relatief –lokatie specifiek –tijd specifiek –response tijd –dienst gebruiker gedefinieerd

40 Criteria versus modellen

41 Content Providers en UMTS

42 Content providers en technologie Content providers –Traag en conservatief –Internet: disruptieve technologie voor CP’s v Slechtere performance –UMTS stenghtening technologie: content ook via andere kanalen

43 Belang informatie Lagere transactie kosten, efficientere markten Content kritieke rol in netwerk-economie Vervagen van grensen, intensivering van relaties Verschuift machtcentra: branding en loyality Versnelling:korte plc’s Nieuwe business modellen Leidende rol gebruikers wensen in context

44 Rol van content in netwerk economie Customer mgmt Customer roaming Kwaliteit van relatie After sales Consum- ptie Test van relatie Levering Betaling Evaluatie Transactie sale Transactie koop Contract Informatie Evaluatie Match Promotie Browsen Encounter Aan bieder User Rol van content VB ‘en inter- actieve content Aantrek ken van klanten Banners Search engines Push media Product info Website info Product vgl. Simulators Interface voor transactie On-line credit appl. Electronisch bestellen Product beschikbaarheid Content Electr. Betaling On-line leveren informatie Informatie t.b.v. consumptie Web,E-mail customer support Web-tele fonie, call center Ineteractieve community Product evaluatie On-line consumer community E-mail updates

45 Waardeketen mobiele communicatie Knmi ANP AND Planet Internet User Content Provider Network Operator Service Provider Content Organiser Hosting Provider Access Provider Trans action provider Content Source KPN WOL Planet Internet UUnet Banks TTP Libertel M-info Startwap KPN Libertel Telfort Ben Dutchtone KPN Libertel Telfort Talkline Debitel

46 Content via UMTS UMTS terminals Internet UMTS gateway Content Internet access Provider Content Transport network Content Provider Content A BCD Issues: Control over content, QoS (telephony vs Internet) Distribution of content

47 Business modellen content Subscription –used to pay for mobile communication Airtime Advertisment –critical mass, reach –small screens –personalising advertisement and content Transaction, E-commerce models

48 Toegevoegde waarde van Service Providers in UMTS waardeketen

49 Waardeketen mobiele communicatie Knmi ANP AND Planet Internet User Content Provider Network Operator Service Provider Content Organiser Hosting Provider Access Provider Trans action provider Content Source KPN WOL Planet Internet UUnet Banks TTP Libertel M-info Startwap KPN Libertel Telfort Ben Dutchtone KPN Libertel Telfort Talkline Debitel ISP’s etc

50 Service providers  Fixed Service Providers v Indirect Access Operators Carrier select, carrier pre-select v Switchless resellers  Mobiel v MSP’s v Mobile Virtual Network Operator v WAP-content brokerage  Internet v ISP’s v Application SP’s

51 UMTS role model content accounting user & call data information flow flow of money conternt paymen?t usage payment subscription & service payment application payment subscriber network operator reseller content provider value-added service provider payment? application user & call data

52 UMTS value system service man. terminal distr. network owner Pack- aging Internet access content owning APPLICATIONS & CONTENTACCESSSERVICE PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION content pro- vision content broker- age appl. pro- vision network organiser provision of UMTS teleservices & supplementary services access to the Internet operation of UMTS infrastructure & provision of UMTS bearer services packaging & tariffing of Internet services billing, helpdesk, customer care, etc. distribution of UMTS terminals provision of UMTS content creation of content selection of UMTS content responsible for arrival of data, over several infrastructures

53 Strategic positions SP’s

54 Fixed switchless reseller Strength  Sales expertise Weakness  no operating expertise  small brand name  no infrastructure  small customer base strategic option UMTS reseller

55 Fixed indirect access operator Strength  sales experience  expertise in operating circuit switch infrastructure  backbone infrastructure  operational deep pockets Weakness  no experience in operating mobile infrastructure  small brand name  small customer base strategic option UMTS indirect access

56 ISP’s Strength  sales experience  experience in operating packet-switched network  service development experience  well-established brand name  large customer base  operational contacts with content providers and VAS (electronic payment Weakness  no experience in operating mobile infrastructure strategic option content broker, portal & MVNO

57 Mobile switchless reseller Strength  sales experience  large customer base  access to distribution channels  agreement with mobile operators Weakness  no operating experience  small brand name  no infrastructure strategic option content broker

58 Quality of Service management in wereldwijde IP netwerken Jan-Pascal van Best

59 Vergelijking Telecom<>IP

60 Actoren (1) Service management 1 Network 1 Service management n Network n Company server Company Customer PC Customer...

61 Actoren (2) Klant Leveranciers van IP-netwerkdiensten (ISP’s en backbone providers) Dienstenaanbieder Hardwareleveranciers Governance bodies: ISOC, IAB, IETF Overheden

62 Obstakels Standaardisering op technische oplossingen Migratietraject Combinatie met billing en accounting Organisatie en management

63 Accounting Service management 1 Network 1 Service management n Network n Company server Company Customer PC Customer... Momenteel: Alleen bilaterale afrekeningen Telecom-wereld: Veel effort en kosten in accounting

64 Doel onderzoek Een bijdrage leveren aan het ontwerp en de organisatorische voorwaarden voor een Internet met QoS-eigenschappen Hoe kunnen QoS-eigenschappen in IP netwerken worden geïntegreerd en hoe moeten die netwerken dan worden gemanaged?

65 Stand van zaken Onderzoek naar connectivity ISP’s: minder hiërarchisch dan gedacht Gevolgen hiervan voor peering en invoering QoS


67 Vragen Discussie Follow up

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