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Tim Nawrot Antwerpen 21 oktober

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Presentatie over: "Tim Nawrot Antwerpen 21 oktober"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Tim Nawrot Antwerpen 21 oktober
Veilig ademen? Tim Nawrot Antwerpen 21 oktober Universiteit Hasselt Centrum voor Milieukunde School voor levenswetenschappen KULeuven Arbeids- en Milieugeneeskunde Eenheid voor longtoxicologie

2 Inhoud Geschiedenis Lange en korte termijneffecten
Invloed van afstand tot wegverkeer

3 De Standaard oorzaak in den Zuider-wind, die van uit verre streken vreemde microben mede-bracht, die dan in den mist van onze nij-verheidscentra zouden voortwoekeren. Men had reeds de meening geopperd dat het wel giftige oorlogsgassen konden zijn die zich met den mist hadden vermengd.

4 NEW YORK TIMES Spanish flu? Microbes from the Sahara?
5 Dec 1930 6 Dec 1930 8 Dec 1930 Spanish flu? Microbes from the Sahara? Chemical warfare?

5 Le Soir Illustré, 13 Dec 1930, N° 147

6 Rapport Firket

7 Besluit rapport Firket
“Si les mêmes conditions se trouvent réunies, les mêmes accidents se reproduiront” “Si un désastre survenait à Londres dans des conditions analogues on aurait à déplorer morts immédiates” Onder dezelfde voorwaarden zijn dezelfde gevolgen te verwachten. Een soortgelijke catastrofe zou in Londen leiden tot onmiddellijke doden Nemery, et al. Lancet 2001


9 London Fog, 5-9 december 1952 Wilkins E.T. Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute, 1954, 74, 1-21

10 PM2.5 gradient in Europe* *2002, mean annual PM2.5 gradient
From: Clean Air for Europe (CAFE), 6th Environmental action programme of the EU,

11 Air pollution chronic vs acute effects
Event Severity Age

12 Acute effecten

13 Daily mortality according to temperature specific* PM10 quartiles
*temperature categories based on quintiles. Non-traumatic deaths (n = ) Nawrot, Torfs, Fierens et al. J Epidemiol Comm Health 2007, 61, 146-9

14 Welke leeftijd? Age classes Mean age Mean daily mortality*
+10 µg/m3 (95% CI) p <55 43 10 0.49 (-0.61 to 1.5%) 0.39 55-65 61 12 1.53 (0.57 to 2.46%) 0.0017 >65 81 116 1.29 (0.84 to 1.74) <0.0001 *Mortality (ICD<800) data Flanders ( ) during the warmer period of the year (April to September). Nawrot, Torfs, Fierens et al. J Epidemiol Comm Health 2007, 61, 146-9

15 Platelet function analyzer (PFA-100)
Bloodvessel PFA cartridge Agonist Platelets Collagen Capillar

16 Plaatjesfunctie bij personen met diabetes
PM2.5 increase of 20 µg/m³: -16.3 seconds closure time Effect of medication*: +30.4 seconds closure time *acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, ticlopidine or dipyridamole

17 Chronische effecten

18 Voorbeeld van chronische blootstelling op sterfte: is er een drempel?
ACS; ; 500,000 pers. Gemiddeld relatief risico per 10 µg/m3 PM2.5 Alle doodsoorzaken: 1.06 ( ) cardiopulmonaire: 1.09 ( ) longkanker: 1.14 ( ) Alle andere oorzaken: 1.01 ( ) Rekening houdend voor geslacht, leeftijd, ras, rookgewoonten, opleiding, BMI, alcohol gebruik, beroep, voedingsgewoonten,… RR voor roken 2.58, 2.89, 14.80 Pope et al. Lung cancer, cardio-pulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. JAMA 2002, 287,

19 Atherosclerosis en PM Maakt gebruik van gegevens van twee klinische studies over de preventie van atherosclerose Kaart met PM2.5 concentraties en woonplaats van deelnemers Blootstelling geassocieerd met IMT in a. carotis. Kunzli et al. Environ Health Perspect. 2005;113:201-6.

20 Atherosclerosis en PM Kunzli et al. Environ Health Perspect. 2005;113:201-6.


22 Representative Photomicrographs Oil Red-O Staining of Aortic Arch Sections
Copyright restrictions may apply. Sun, Q. et al. JAMA 2005;294:


24 Verkeer en gezondheid

25 Koolstoflading in longmacrofagen en afstand tot weg

26 Koolstoflading in longmacrofagen en longfunctie bij kinderen
Kulkarni et al. N Engl J Med

27 Traffic-related pollution and children
Gauderman et al. Effect of exposure to traffic on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age: a cohort study. Lancet 2007, 369, 571-7 Prospective cohort study (CHS), southern California: 3677 children (10 y) from 12 communities (start 1993 or 1996) 8 y follow-up: yearly questionnaire & spirometry Exposure: model-based estimates of traffic-related pollution + proximity to nearest freeway (motorway) or major road Adjustments for socioeconomic status (low, middle, high), gas stoves, pets, ETS Residence within 500 m of motorway (vs > 1,500 m) : FEV1 -81 mL [-143 – -18] = 97% [ ]

28 Gauderman et al. Effect of exposure to traffic on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age: a cohort study. Lancet 2007, 369, 571-7

29 Traffic-related pollution and children
Morgenstern et al. Atopic diseases, allergic sensitization, and exposure to traffic-related air pollution in children. AJRCCM 2008, 177, Prospective birth cohort studies, Munich, Germany: 2,860 children (4y) + 3,061 children (6y) Exposure assessment: PM2.5 & NO2 at 40 measurements sites + GIS-based modeling of pollution at residence (birth, 2 or 3 y, 6y) + distance of residence to major roads Adjustments for sex, age, parental atopy, maternal education, siblings, ETS, gas cooking, home dampness, molds, dogs & cats Adjusted OR for “doctor-diagnosed asthmatic bronchitis”: < 50 m to nearest main road: 1.66 [ ] (vs > 50 m)

30 ● < 50 m from nearest main road
Morgenstern et al. Atopic diseases, allergic sensitization, and exposure to traffic-related air pollution in children. AJRCCM 2008, 177, asthma hay fever eczema Doctor-diagnosed Reported symptoms Odds ratio (adjusted) ● < 50 m from nearest main road ▲ m ■ m ♦ > 1000 m

31 PM10 and mortality (long term)
Hoek et al. Association between mortality and indicators of traffic-related air pollution in the Netherlands: a cohort study. Lancet 2002, 360, NCLS: ; n = 4,492 (55-69 y); 489 † estimation of long-term pollution (BS & NO2): regional + urban background + local exposed to traffic = home (GIS) : < 100 m of freeway (n=132) < 50 m of major urban road (n=77) adj.RR of cardiopulmonary death background BS (/10 µg/m3 ): 1.34 ( ) living near major road: 1.95 ( ) adjusted for age, sex, education, BMI, occupation, active & passive smoking, neighbourhood SES Risk estimates much lower in full cohort. Beelen et al. Environ Health Persp 2008, 116,

32 PM10 and mortality (long term)
Finkelstein et al. Traffic air pollution and mortality rate advancement periods. Am J Epidemiol 2004, 160, 173-7 Hamilton, Ontario: : mortality follow-up: n = 5,228 (>40 y); 923 nonaccidental † Postal codes & GIS: household income exposure to traffic: < 100 m of highway or < 50 m of major urban road RR of mortality for living close to major road: 1.18 ( ) Rate advanced period: Residence near major road: 2.5 y ( ) COPD 3.4 y; Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease: 3.1 y; diabetes: 4.4 y

33 Pollution (long term) and CV morbidity
Hoffman et al. Residential exposure to traffic is associated with coronary atherosclerosis. Circulation 2007, 116, Prospective cohort study, Germany: : 4494 persons, y Coronary artery calcification (CAC) by electron-beam CT Exposure: distance of residence to major roads OR for high CAC (> 75th percentile): > 200 m from major road : 1 (reference) m : m : < 50 m :

34 Conclusies Vlaanderen heeft de hoogste PM2.5 belasting van Europa.
De luchtkwaliteit anno 2008 is een relevante factor die de volksgezondheid beïnvloedt. Niet enkel respiratoire gezondheid maar ook cardiovasculaire aandoeningen.


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