Help, ik moet naar Office 2007!?. Wat horen wij bij klanten Training “New UI will cause too big of a loss in productivity” Training “New UI will cause.

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Presentatie over: "Help, ik moet naar Office 2007!?. Wat horen wij bij klanten Training “New UI will cause too big of a loss in productivity” Training “New UI will cause."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Help, ik moet naar Office 2007!?

2 Wat horen wij bij klanten Training “New UI will cause too big of a loss in productivity” Training “New UI will cause too big of a loss in productivity” File Conversion “We don’t want to break our files by going to 2007” File Conversion “We don’t want to break our files by going to 2007” Cost “Deployment is too complicated and we don’t see a good ROI” Cost “Deployment is too complicated and we don’t see a good ROI” Compatibility “It’ll break our add- ins, macros or Access databases!” Compatibility “It’ll break our add- ins, macros or Access databases!” Business Value “Office 2003 is good enough”. Business Value “Office 2003 is good enough”.

3 Agenda -Waar moet u aan denken voordat u 2007 Microsoft Office system uitrolt? -Welke hulpmiddelen staan tot uw beschikking? -Hoe gaat Office 2007 om met nieuwe documentstandaarden? -Moet u uw eindgebruikers trainen in het gebruik van de nieuwe interface van Office? Links naar alle genoemde tools staan op de laatste slide van deze presentatie

4 Waarom migreren naar Office 2007 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 -Vervallen van support -Bijblijven -Nieuwe functionaliteit -Integratie met SharePoint -De business vraagt er om -Development platform is beter, OBA -Nieuwe User Interface -Deployment model is beter, eenvoudiger imaging model -Security model is beter -Excel biedt meer opties (meer regels)

6 Waar moet u aan denken -Wat wil ik bereiken –Office platform –Meer dan client alleen, –Delen van kennis, en kalenders –Overal kunnen werken -Hoe en wat ga ik uitrollen

7 Welke hulpmiddelen? -Office Resource Kit -File Migration Planner (Je hoeft je bestanden niet te migreren) -Macro’s en applicaties migreren –Visual Studio Tools for Office (vsto)?

8 Document standaarden -Welk formaat ga ik gebruiken en vanaf wanneer in het document creatieproces? -Wat zijn eigenlijk de verschillen van ieder formaat?

9 Training? -Wanneer zijn gebruikers voor het laatst getraind? -Ja, maar mijn gebruikers zijn anders. -Wij hebben geen information workers

10 Office Online 10

11 Accessible Help & Tips: "Get Started" Plug-in -Word -Excel -PowerPoint

12 Everyday Productivity Education (EPE) -..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\EPE_customer_listing_2007Vista.doc..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\EPE_customer_listing_2007Vista.doc -..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\Office2007ChartsAndSmartArt_GS_E.ppt..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\Office2007ChartsAndSmartArt_GS_E.ppt -..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\EPE_customer_listing_2007Vista.doc..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\EPE_customer_listing_2007Vista.doc -..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\Office2007ChartsAndSmartArt_GS_E.ppt..\Documents\Office 12\Deployment\Office2007ChartsAndSmartArt_GS_E.ppt 12

13 Hulpmiddelen voor Migratiebegeleiding 13

14 Gebruik OneNote voor digitale distributie naslagwerk 14

15 Enterprise Learning Framework 15

16 16

17 17

18 18

19 19

20 Desktop Deployment Planning Service Migrate Documents Office Migration Planning Manager Office Migration Planning Manager Office Migration Planning Manager Office Migration Planning Manager Office File Conversion Tool Office File Conversion Tool Office File Conversion Tool Office File Conversion Tool Customize Office Office Customization Tool Office Customization Tool Office Customization Tool Office Customization Tool Group Policy Multilingual Architecture Multilingual Architecture Multilingual Architecture Multilingual Architecture Deploy to Desktop Setup Controller Setup Controller Setup Controller Setup Controller Local Install Source / BITS Local Install Source / BITS Local Install Source / BITS Local Install Source / BITS Deployment Automation Command Mapping Tool Command Mapping Tool Office Online Office Online E-Learning Microsoft Learning & Certification Enterprise Learning Framework Enterprise Learning Framework Office Migration Resources Microsoft Deployment Microsoft Office Resource Kit 2007

21 communicatieplan -Deel mee wat er gaat gebeuren, en wanneer en bovenal wat de meerwaarde voor de gebruiker is. -Gebruik exitement posters -Online help voor afvang druk op helpdesk -Evt migratiebegeleiding –Laat workshops organiseren –Guru’s op de werkplek -Werk aan de meerwaarde voor gebruikers! -Bij uitrol SharePoint: Bouw Quickwins! 21

22 Vragen / Discussie 22

23 Links Ondersteuning -Office 2007 IW Excitement PostersOffice 2007 IW Excitement Posters -The Microsoft Office Fluent User InterfaceThe Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface -Creating a Training portal with MOSS 2007Creating a Training portal with MOSS 2007 -Customizable Everyday Productivity Education (EPE) content developed by Microsoft IT for end user trainingCustomizable Everyday Productivity Education (EPE) content developed by Microsoft IT for end user training -Office 2007 End user trainingOffice 2007 End user training -SharePoint Server 2007 Internal Buzz KitSharePoint Server 2007 Internal Buzz Kit -Download 'get started' training for Office 2007Download 'get started' training for Office 2007 -Enterprise learning FrameworkEnterprise learning Framework -Office 2007 IW Excitement PostersOffice 2007 IW Excitement Posters -The Microsoft Office Fluent User InterfaceThe Microsoft Office Fluent User Interface -Creating a Training portal with MOSS 2007Creating a Training portal with MOSS 2007 -Customizable Everyday Productivity Education (EPE) content developed by Microsoft IT for end user trainingCustomizable Everyday Productivity Education (EPE) content developed by Microsoft IT for end user training -Office 2007 End user trainingOffice 2007 End user training -SharePoint Server 2007 Internal Buzz KitSharePoint Server 2007 Internal Buzz Kit -Download 'get started' training for Office 2007Download 'get started' training for Office 2007 -Enterprise learning FrameworkEnterprise learning Framework Deployment info -deploying Office 2007 internationallydeploying Office 2007 internationally -Step-by-step: Deploy custom configurations of the 2007 Office systemStep-by-step: Deploy custom configurations of the 2007 Office system -deploying Office 2007 internationallydeploying Office 2007 internationally -Step-by-step: Deploy custom configurations of the 2007 Office systemStep-by-step: Deploy custom configurations of the 2007 Office system 23

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