Verwante presentaties

Presentatie over: "INNOVATIE IN BEHANDELINGSMETHODEN:"— Transcript van de presentatie:


2 Mirjam Zijderveld Programma manager Technologie voor Gezondheid De Haagse Hogeschool

3 Nellie van de Griend Faculteitsdirecteur Technologie, Innovatie & Samenleving De Haagse Hogeschool

4 Chris Wallner Programmacoördinator Kwaliteit van Leven: Mens en Technologie De Haagse Hogeschool

5 Chris Wallner, PhD Programme Manager Research Platform Quality of Life
Research platform Quality of Life The Hague University of Applied Sciences Chris Wallner, PhD Programme Manager Research Platform Quality of Life

6 Access to large-scale networks
The Hague Security Delta HSD is the largest network of public and private partners and academia in the fields of cyber security and the protection of vital infrastructures. Medical Delta MD is a research drive on life sciences, health and technology cluster situated in the West of the Netherlands. Dutch National Research Agenda The NWA (in Dutch) consolidates the strengths of different parties to give a boost to the collaboration between academics, industry and civil society organisations. UAS 10 Network of 10 Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences to further strengthen their position in the European Research Area.  UAS Sino-Dutch Consortium THUAS is a founding member of this consortium, whose main agenda is the enhancement of collaboration on professional higher education with China.

7 Research Platform Quality of Life: People and Technology
How can we promote the quality of life of people by connecting people, the environment and technology? Vitality & Sport Care & Rehabilitation Research Platform Quality of Life: People and Technology

8 Research groups and faculties collaboration platform Quality of Life
Human Kinetic Technology / Health Technology Teacher Education in Physical Education Nursing Skintherapy Nutrition and Dietetics Sportmanagement Rehabilitation (Prof. Arend de Kloet) Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering & Management Mathematical Engineering Architecture & Construction Engineering Engineering Physics Civil Engineering Process & Food Technology Spatial Development Electrical & Electronic Engineering Industrial Design Engineering Mechatronica Oncological Care (Prof. Joost van der Sijp) Healthy Lifestyle in a supporting Environment (Prof. Sanne de Vries) Family care (Prof. Deirdre Beneken genaamd Kolmer) Smart Sensor Systems (Prof. John Bolte) Technology For Health (Prof. Erwin de Vlugt) Faculty of Health, Nutrition & Sport Faculty of Technology, Innovation & Society Faculty of Social Work & Education Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Prof. Suzan vd Pas, UAS Leiden) Faculty of IT & Design Communication and Multimedia Design Information & Communication Technology Human Technology Social Work & Social Services Education in Primary Schools Educational Theory Urban Aging (Prof. Joost van Hoof) Information, Technology & Society (Prof. Bert Mulder)

9 Research Platform Quality of Life: People and Technology
How can we promote the quality of life of people by connecting people, the environment and technology? Vitality & Sport Care & Rehabilitation Research Platform Quality of Life: People and Technology

10 Research Platform Quality of Life: People and Technology
How can we promote the quality of life of people by connecting people, the environment and technology? Technology For Health (Erwin de Vlugt) Family care (Deirdre Beneken genaamd Kolmer) Healthy Lifestyle in a supporting Environment (Sanne de Vries) Rehabilitation (Arend de Kloet) Vitality & Sports Care & Rehabilitation Urban Aging (Vacant) Skin Care (in development) Smart Sensor Systems (John Bolte) International Value Of Sport (in development) Information, Technology & Society (Bert Mulder) Oncological Care (Joost van der Sijp) Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Suzan vd Pas, HLeiden) Research Platform Quality of Life: People and Technology


12 Mirjam Zijderveld Programma manager Technologie voor Gezondheid, De Haagse Hogeschool

13 Programma deel 1 17.00 – uur Sprekers: • Kanker, hoe zit het nu eigenlijk en wat is de toekomst? Joost van der Sijp, lector Oncologie De Haagse Hogeschool • Inwendige bestraling van borstkankerpatiënten met radioactieve “zaadjes” Gerson Struik, arts-onderzoeker chirurgie Franciscus Gasthuis en Vlietland • Trends en risico’s in de beeldvorming en behandeling van kanker met ioniserende straling Harmen Bijwaard, lector Medische Technologie Inholland en senior-onderzoeker RIVM – uur Food for thought + expositie projecten

14 Programma deel 2 18.30 – uur Breakout-sessies (2 x 30 min): • Kleuren van spier- en vetweefsel in CT-scan; hoe vereenvoudig je deze techniek zodat het voor de zorgtoepassing toegankelijker wordt? Jacqueline Langius, lokaal • Inwendige bestraling van borstkankerpatiënten met radioactieve “zaadjes”.  Gerson Struik, lokaal • Fiber optic sensing en spectroscopie; wat kunnen we ermee? Arjan Lock, lokaal – uur Wrap-up – uur Netwerkborrel + expositie projecten

15 Joost van der Sijp Lector Oncologie De Haagse Hogeschool
Kanker, hoe zit het nu eigenlijk en wat is de toekomst? Joost van der Sijp Lector Oncologie De Haagse Hogeschool



18 Inwendige bestraling van borstkankerpatiënten met radioactieve “zaadjes”
Gerson Struik Arts-onderzoeker chirurgie Franciscus Gasthuis en Vlietland

19 Trends en risico’s in de beeldvorming en behandeling van kanker met ioniserende straling
Harmen Bijwaard Lector Medische Technologie Inholland en senior-onderzoeker RIVM


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