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GepubliceerdLeona de Jonge Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 6 jaar geleden
Agendapunt 3 1 juli 2011 13 januari 2019 Gerben Klein Lebbink
De nieuwe oproep – werkprogramma 2012 (WP2012)
New! De nieuwe oproep – werkprogramma 2012 (WP2012) Structurering naar uitdagingen ECO-Innovation Safe Seamless Mobility Competitiveness through innovation De traditionele structuur voor Luchtvaart is daarover verdeeld De volgorde van de topics is daarmee anders! In 2012 wordt het Level 0 instrument geïntroduceerd (Luchtvaart) Open Call, Radicale ideeën, alleen voor topics onder “Pioneering the Air Transport of the Future” Joint Calls Biofuels (Luchtvaart - Energie) - 10 M€ Innovatieve materialen voor voertuigen (SST/NMP/ENV) – 35 M€ Gecoördineerde oproep met Japan (Luchtvaart) - 4 M€ +?? M¥ Three major socio-economic challenges: Eco-innovation – The decarbonization of the transport system and an efficient use of natural resources, i.e. eco-innovation in all transport modes and the further development of clean vehicles and vessels. 2. Safe and seamless mobility – The optimization of the global efficiency and safety of the transport system (by application of Intelligent Transport Systems and logistics), making efficient use of infrastructure and network capacity, with the aim of offering safe seamless transport and mobility to all European citizens, as transport is also crucial for social inclusion. 3. Competitiveness through innovation – The strengthening of the competitiveness of European transport industry through innovation, as competition from developed and emerging economies is intensifying in a global economy.
Voor Level 1 is safety volledig open L2 topics:
Luchtvaart ~136 M€ voor 4 Level 2 topics, 35 Level 1 topics en aantal studies Voor Level 1 is safety volledig open L2 topics: Subsystemen voor motoren, IJsvorming op grote hoogtes, productie van composiet structuren, reduced crew operaties Oppervlakte Transport ~ 114 M€ (RTD) + 26 M€ (MOVE), verdeeld over rail, water, road en intermodaal Increasing railway capacity Ensuring Safe, green & competitive waterborne transport Implementing research for the ‘European Green Car Initiative’ Activities and research areas of cross-cutting character Horizontale topics 7 studie onderwerpen voor project van max. 2 M€ Deadline 1/12, voor L0 is de eerste deadline 25/10 Andere thema’s : zie wegwijzer
Studies 7-1. European Air Transport System scenario elaboration and trend assessment capability 7-8. Attracting young Europeans to future careers in the field of aeronautics 7-9. Supporting organisation of conferences and events of special relevance to Aeronautics and Air Transport research 7-25. Assessment of the potential insertion of unmanned aerial system in the air transport system 7-26. Efficient airports for Europe 7-27. Airport centred co-modality and intermodality 7-28. Facilitating access to aircraft for disabled people
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