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R&D Satellite Accounts in the Netherlands OECD-NAWP 3-5 October 2007
17 March 2005 R&D Satellite Accounts in the Netherlands OECD-NAWP 3-5 October 2007 Myriam van Rooijen-Horsten Murat Tanriseven Mark de Haan
R&D satellite account (part of knowledge module):
17 March 2005 R&D satellite account (part of knowledge module): Recording of R&D expenditure as gross fixed capital formation, including measurement of: R&D capital stocks R&D consumption of fixed capital R&D capital services Uses: → Quantifying effects on macro aggregates → Knowledge economy indicators (knowledge investment) → Growth accounting
Points of attention: ► Use of Frascati R&D statistics ► R&D prices
17 March 2005 Points of attention: ► Use of Frascati R&D statistics ► R&D prices << NEW!! >> ► Measurement international R&D flows ► Service lives & efficiency (or profitability) patterns
Internationalisation of R&D
17 March 2005 Internationalisation of R&D Research: 8 companies ≈ 46% of BERD (2005) ▪ their activities in the Netherlands: → 13% of all employees → 34% of R&D personnel ▪ 1 company reports 90% R&D export share (R&D financed by foreign affiliates) ▪ other 7 report no R&D export
Internationalisation of R&D
17 March 2005 Internationalisation of R&D Research con’d: Interviews with 5 companies ≈ 33% of BERD (2005) ▪ Organisation and financing of R&D differ considerably between companies → location → financing ▪ Legal ownership at company level, Economic ownership in hands of business units ▪ Company balance sheets do not include R&D
Internationalisation of R&D
17 March 2005 Internationalisation of R&D Conclusions: For multinationals international R&D service flows are being underreported → Export: Indeed! → Import: ? This complicates measurement of R&D investment Possible solutions: Introducing survey questions on R&D sales and purchases of R&D services Custom made surveying of largest companies
17 March 2005 R&D service lives Using age distribution of patents as proxy for all knowledge capital Two averages ▪ unweighted ≈ 7 years ▪ weighted by patent values ≈ 18 years Outcome: average service life of 12.5 years Exceptions ▪ Chemical industry: 15.5 years ▪ Electro technical industry: 9.5 years Door middel van de verdeling van patenten over de leeftijden én een verdeling van patenten over de waarden is er een verdeling te maken van de gemiddelde waarden over de verschillende leeftijdscategorien. NB chemie en electrotechnische industrie uitzonderingen op de omdat er empirisch bewijs is dat de situatie daar anders is. De waarde van patenten wijken daar sterk af van de gemiddelde waarde van patenten. In de chemische industrie zijn de waarden van patenten bovengemiddeld en in de electrotechnische industrie minder dan gemiddeld.
17 March 2005 Summary of results Changes national accounts aggregates, the Netherlands GFCF in R&D bln € Adjustment of GFCF in % % Adjustment of GDP in % % Volume-index (1998=100) GFCF in R&D GFCF Adjusted GFCF
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