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FAIRTRADE een inspiratie voor verandering

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Presentatie over: "FAIRTRADE een inspiratie voor verandering"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 FAIRTRADE een inspiratie voor verandering

2 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Content
What is Fairtrade Fairtrade: worldwide results 2007 Fairtrade : results in Belgium Increased support for Fairtrade What makes Fairtrade unique? Fairtradegemeentes

3 What is FAIRTRADE? An international system set up to combat poverty by empowering the producers to build sustainable trade and provide a livelihood for their families – ‘Trade not aid’

4 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar One mark, three pillars, many garantees

5 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Control and financement of the supply chain
Reporting & audit on the complete chain Financial flow Producer Exporter Importer Processor Licensee Consumer Licensee Fee FLO Cert. FLO E.V. Max Havelaar B Control the respect of international Fairtrade Standards Set up the international Fairtrade Standards ISO 65 : GARANTEE OF QUALITY!

6 FAIRTRADE Max Havelar Worldwide
AFN CLAC NAP Working with farmer networks across 3 continents & 58 countries 20 Labelling Initiatives

7 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Contents
What is Fairtrade? Fairtrade: worldwide results 2007 Fairtrade : results in Belgium Increased support for Fairtrade What makes Fairtrade unique? Fairtradegemeentes

8 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Global retail turnover Fairtrade products
8 8

9 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Success in the North
Eur 2.3 bn retail value annualy 42% average growth rate (2003- 07) more than products more than 800 registered traders 9 9

10 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Impact in the South
632 producer organisations 58 producer countries 1.5 Mio producers in the system 7.5 Mio people who benefit directly 10 10

11 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Contents
What is Fairtrade? Fairtrade: worldwide results 2007 Fairtrade : results in Belgium Fairtrade impact What makes Fairtrade unique? Fairtradegemeentes

12 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar wide assortment of Fairtrade products
Food (15) Bananas and fresh fruit Biscuits and waffles Candies Cocoa/ chocolate Coffee Fruit juice Honey Ice cream Jam Soft drinks Rice Sirops Sugar Tea Wine Non-food (3) Cotton/ textile Cosmetics Flowers

13 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar 26% growth of Fairtrade food products 06-07
26% growth represents the total of food products expressed in kilograms and liters, ie: coffee, bananas, cocoa, cane sugar, tea, honey, vegetables, beer, dried fruits, fruit juice, spices, quinoa and wine. This growth figure does not include flowers, ice cream, cotton and cosmetics.

14 de consument is kiest voor Fairtrade!
“ 83% van de consumenten vindt de aanwezigheid van een keurmerk een bepalende kiescriterium in hun aankoopsgedrag alsook in de keuze van de plaats van consumptie” (OIVO, 2008) “77% van de consumenten bevestigt hun diep interesse in eerlijke handel, oftewel een verdubbeling in amper 4 jaar tijd! “ (OIVO, 2008) “55% van de consumenten kent Max Havelaar, en bij de hoge socio-economische groepen haalt men zelfs 80% herkenning!” (TNS Dimarso, 2007)

15 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Contents
What is Fairtrade? Fairtrade: worldwide results 2007 Fairtrade : results in Belgium Fairtrade impact What makes Fairtrade unique? Fairtradegemeentes

16 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Why Fairtrade?
Garanteed minimum price + premium to better plan and invest (social and environmental projects, switch to organic) Improvement of the quality and creation of a sustainable production system Better organisation and well informed producers

17 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Contents
What is Fairtrade? Fairtrade: worldwide results 2007 Fairtrade : results in Belgium Fairtrade impact Why is Fairtrade unique? Fairtradegemeentes

18 Fairtrade: Focus on small producers
FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar The uniqueness of Fairtrade Fairtrade: Focus on small producers Fairtrade objective is poverty reduction : focus on small scale producers

19 Fairtrade = Three pillars of sustainability
FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar The uniqueness of Fairtrade Fairtrade = Three pillars of sustainability Economic, Social & Environmental Economic pillar is crucial for small scale producers / poverty reduction : Fairtrade studies the cost of production ( minimum price) Minimum price & premium include : - Cost of certification (average = 5$ US/bag of 50kg cocoa) - Cost of inputs - Cost of social&environmental sustainable farming Decent Price Sharing is also crucial : Consumer: willing to pay a higher price (10%) Producer: willing to invest in more ‘red and green’  North takes up responsability with respect to cost of increased sustainability  Small scale producers get access to international market if costs are “rewarded”

20 Fairtrade = Empowerment
FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Uniqueness of Fairtrade Fairtrade = Empowerment “ Trade not aid ” Creating better trade-environment  self-initiative Creating stronger organisations  self-service(s) Creating: - Employment (vs rural emigration) - Sound environment (vs. Monoculture, chemicals..) - Food (for the nation..), social rest, … “We never dreamed to be negotiating prices” (self-esteem) Creating credible trade-partners

21 FAIRTRADE Max Havelaar Contents
What is Fairtrade? Fairtrade: worldwide results 2007 Fairtrade : results in Belgium Fairtrade impact What makes Fairtrade unique? Fairtradegemeentes


23 FairTradeGemeenten? Titel De hele gemeenschap is betrokken 6 criteria 2 Doelstellingen bewustmaking rond fair trade en duurzame lokale landbouw een ander koopgedrag

24 De zes criteria Het lokale bestuur: resolutie, informatie over fair trade, aankoopbeleid Winkels en horecazaken: minstens twee fairtradeproducten, aantal winkels/horeca afhankelijk van aantal inwoners Bedrijven en organisaties: fairtradeproducten in scholen, bedrijven, verenigingen... educatieve campagnes Media-aandacht Lokale trekkersgroep met heterogene samenstelling Initiatieven rond duurzaam produceren en consumeren

25 163 actieve gemeenten = meer dan 50%
Resultaten 163 actieve gemeenten = meer dan 50% 54 titels oa Brussel, Antwerpen, Hasselt, Gent, … 13 landen: Groot-Brittannië, Ierland, Zweden, Italië, Australië/Nieuw Zeeland, VS, Canada, Oostenrijk, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Nederland, Noorwegen en België

26 Antwerpen: Feest op de grote markt met volle medewerking van het stadsbestuur

27 Hamont-achel: 90 landbouwers zetten zich mee in voor FairTradeGemeenten

28 Rotselaar: Middenstand, trekkersgroep en Koffiebrander Java Hasselt: Hoofdstad van de smaak Hasselt (h)eerlijke stad

29 Mechelen: Van compostmeesters naar feestmeesters: duurzaam feesten


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