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November 22, 2018 AS-4 explained Cor Zijlstra
Content What is AS4? Positioning Technical highlights
November 22, 2018 Content What is AS4? Positioning Technical highlights Difference with AS2 Two profiles
What is AS4? Positioning Gebruiksregels / bila’s Process
November 22, 2018 What is AS4? Positioning Gebruiksregels / bila’s Process SLA on Process steps and logic Order Acknowledgement, Shipping Notice, Invoice,... GS1-code system / ISO VAT-code, Country code, units, classification, Address codes for trade-relations, delivery- and invoice addresses Content INSBOUW-XXX order number, order date, street + number or Street and number, delivery date or shipment date, etc. Syntax AS4 dekt alle afspraken rondom de communicatie en gaat dus niet over de inhoud. XML ASCII, XML, EDIFACT, CSV, TXT etc. Format AS4 covers the communication layer in the integration stack protocol, method, time, security, etc. Tcp/ip: http, http/sftp, smtp, rpc, SOAP, AS2, etc. Communication
What is AS4? Intro A standard for reliable en secure message exchange using web services Payload agnostic (not being tied to any defined SOAP action or operation) Implementation guideline within ebMS 3.0 Starting points are: ebMS 3.0 as a bases requirements from AS2 just-enough design principle
What is AS4? Technical highlights
November 22, 2018 What is AS4? Technical highlights Support for SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 enveloping structure Payload agnosticism Support for single or multiple payloads contained either within the SOAP body or as SOAP attachment(s) Support for payload compression (GZIP [RFC1925]) Support for message-level security including various combinations of XML Digital Signature and/or XML Encryption Support for X.509 security tokens and username/password tokens Support for business receipt of non-repudiation similar to the Message Disposition Notification (MDN) specified by [1] used by AS2 and specified as an XML schema by the ebXML BPSS group Support for the ebMS 3.0 One-Way/Push message exchange pattern with support for either synchronous or asynchronous responses Support for the ebMS 3.0 One-Way/Pull message exchange pattern which is beneficial for exchanging documents with non-addressable endpoints SOAP is de XML envelop die wordt gebruikt bij webservices. De webservice definities zijn berichttype onafhankelijk, dus geen berichttype specifieke services en operaties Toevoegen van bijlages aan een bericht, bijvoorbeeld PDF bij een XML factuur Compressie van de inhoud en bijlagen Extra beveiliging door het ondertekenen en/of onleesbaar maken van het bericht Authenticeren op basis van username / password tokens of X.509 (is sleutel) certificaten Bevestiging van ontvangst van het bericht en controle of het bericht ongewijzigd is ontvangen Het versturen van berichten met directe of indirecte ontvangstbevestiging Het ontvangen van berichten, middels het opvragen en dus niet actief ontvangen (geen webserver, vast IP adres, etc. nodig)
What is AS4? Differences with AS2
November 22, 2018 What is AS4? Differences with AS2 Compatibility with Web services standards. Message pulling capability. A built-in Receipt mechanism Compatibel met web services Opvragen van berichten, zonder vast IP adres, altijd online, etc. Ingebouwd notificatie mechanism bij het opvragen
November 22, 2018 What is AS4? Two profiles The two AS4 conformance profiles (CP) are defined below: The AS4 ebHandler CP. This conformance profile supports both Sending and Receiving roles, and for each role both message pushing and message pulling. The AS4 light Client CP. This conformance profile supports both Sending and Receiving roles, but only message pushing for Sending and message pulling for Receiving. In other words, it does not support incoming HTTP requests, and may have no IP address. Twee profilen: Server variant met vast IP adres, altijd online, etc. (leverancier) Klant variant die niet altijd online hoeft te zijn, geen vast IP adres, etc.
AS4 MEPs One-way push MEP with sync receipt
November 22, 2018 AS4 MEPs One-way push MEP with sync receipt receiver end point is addressable Het versturen van een bericht met directe ontvangstbevestiging
AS4 MEPs One-way pull MEP with async receipt
November 22, 2018 AS4 MEPs One-way pull MEP with async receipt receiver end point is addressable Het opvragen van berichten gecombineerd met het bevestigen
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