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Rainforest Alliance: Op Weg Naar Duurzaamheid

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Presentatie over: "Rainforest Alliance: Op Weg Naar Duurzaamheid"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Rainforest Alliance: Op Weg Naar Duurzaamheid
© Copyright Rainforest Alliance 7 Mei 2007

2 Het doel van Rainforest Alliance is om biodiversiteit te beschermen en duurzame levensonderhoudmogelijkheden te verzorgen, door het verbeteren van: Land Gebruik Consumenten Gedrag It’s mission to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior Handel/Bedrijven 7 Mei 2007

3 Zet zich in voor natuur bescherming en duurzame ontwikkeling
Onafhankelijke, wereldwijd opererende algemene natuurbeschermings organisatie Opgericht in 1987  Zet zich in voor natuur bescherming en duurzame ontwikkeling Natuurbescherming door middel van “Best Management Practices” 235 Medewerkers ( +  100 in Partnerorganisaties) Leden Kantoren in 12 Landen Budget (16 Mio. Euro) (April 2008) 3


5 Focus op kwetsbare natuur en key industries
Ons werk: Implementeren van globale duurzaamheids standarden op veldniveau Monitoren & Evalueren van vooruitgang en ´compliance´ door middel van on-site onderzoek en certificatie Creëren van markten voor duurzame producten PHIL, PLEASE FIND NEW PHOTOS THAT REPRESENT THESE POINTS. NEED TO BE LOW RES. Thursday, November 15, 2018Thursday, November 15, 2018

6 Bereik van ons werk: In 2007 Verkoop van Rainforest Alliance Certified duurzame koffie, bananen, en chocola > $1 miljard in 2006 plus > $2 miljard verkoop van FSC gecertificeerd hout Momenteel 33,000 landbouworganisaties gecertificeerd in 22 landen op, 591,000 hectare, wat meer dan een miljoen boeren en hun families helpt. Meer dan 45 million hectare bos gecertificeerd. Rainforest Alliance Certified koffie aankoop ieder jaar verdubbeld sinds 2003 (van 3180 MT tot  41,494 in 2007). Rainforest Alliance plant op 5 percent gecertificeerde bonen van de wereldkoffieaanbod binnen 5 jaar, en zo veel als 10 percent van de markt in 7 jaar. 15% van het wereldaanbod van bananen gecertificeerd 3% van het wereldaanbod in thee 7 Mei 2007

7 SmartWood Eerste duurzaame bosbeheer certificatie: nu geaccrediteerd door FSC Meer dan 45 miljoen hectare gecertificieerd: de helft van het FSC portfolio 1,675 gecertifieerde operaties in 58 landen rond de wereld

8 Duurzaam toerisme 70 bestaande initiatieven in duurzaam toerisme wereldwijd Rainforest Alliance steunt lokale programma's door: Verhogen van Internationale herkenning Het vestigen van regionale netwerken Het delen van informatie Creëeren van standaarden rond het certificeren van duurzaam toerisme Marketing support Training en ondersteuning 7 Mei 2007

9 Wildlife Conservation Conservationists Scientists
Duurzame Landbouw Wildlife Conservation Ecosystem Conservation Soil Conservation Conservation of Water Resources Integrated Management of Wastes Integrated Pest Management Fair Treatment and Good Conditions for Workers Community Relations Conservationists Scientists Industry Communities

10 Certificerings proces
Pre-Assessment Annual Audit Continual Improvement Assessment Surprise Audit Certification Committee © Copyright Rainforest Alliance Thursday, November 15, 2018Thursday, November 15, 2018

11 Rainforest Alliance Certification is een lokale organizatie.
De Sustainable Agriculture Network is opgemaakt uit lokale NGOs, die auditors trainen, stakeholder outreach doen, en partnerships aangaan met lokale overheden, en lokale ontwikkelings organizaties. Inspecteurs zijn lokale, Rainforest Alliance-getrainde biologen, agronomen, bosexperts, sociologen, en economisten die een focus hebben op duurzaamheid. © Copyright Rainforest AllianceCopyright Rainforest Alliance 2006 7 Mei 2007

12 Rainforest Alliance Certification betekent:
Minder water vervuiling: pesticiden, meststoffen, sediment, afvalwater, afval, brandstoffen zijn gecontroleerd. Minder grond erosie: planten van dekkend groen en handhaven grond deksel. Betere milieu & menselijke gezondheid: meest gevaarlijke pesticiden verboden, agrochemicals streng gereguleerd, aanhoudende reducties in het gebruik van pesticides & agrochemicals, met het doel om ze helemaal te elimineeren. Meer habitat voor dieren & planten: geen ontbossing, rivieroevers zijn beschermd met buffer zones, kritische ecosystemen (bv moeraslanden) beschermd, lapjes bos op boerderijen bewaard. Minder afval: boerderij nevenproducten (banaan planten, koffiepulp, sinaasappel schillen) worden bemest en teruggekeerd als natuurlijke meststof. Meer samenwerking tussen boeren en natuurbeschermers. 7 Mei 2007

13 Rainforest Alliance Certification betekent:
Waterconservatie; in was en verpak stations, woon gebieden, en irrigatie. Efficiënte boerderij management: helpt boeren zichzelf te organiseren, plannen, verbeteringen waar te maken, “best management practices” te implementeren, problemen te identificeren, en vooruitgang te meten. Verbeterde moreel: arbeiders krijgen een rechtvaardig loon, fatsoenlijke huisvesting, proper drink water, hygiënische faciliteiten, en gezonde werkomstandigheden. Arbeiders en hun families hebben toegang tot scholen, gezondheidszorg en werk training. Meer winst voor landbouwers vanwege een hogere productie, betere kwaliteit, toegenomen arbeids efficiency. Meer invloed in de verkoop, een uniek produkt, betere prijzen (premie tussen 10 en 20%) en betere toegang tot krediet.

14 Chiquita kosten en produktie
Productivity increase of 27%, Costs down by 12%.

15 Umwandlung des globalen Marktes
Forstwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse: Wir haben 3 % der Forstbetriebe (100 million acres= XX ha) in über 50 Ländern zertifiziert. Kooperationen mit z. B.: IKEA, Gibson, B&Q, Domtar, Klabin, Tembec, Grupo Nueva. – would prefer European examples! Verwendung u.a. im Prado Madrid Landwirtschaft: 1,3% des weltweit erzeugten Kaffees, 15% der Bananen tragen unser Siegel; 563,00 Hektar landwirtschaftliche Flächen, nahezu (?today ) Farmen. Kooperationen u.a.: Kraft Foods, Chiquita, Tchibo, Whole Foods Markets, United Nations, Citigroup, Nespresso, Drie Mollen Group. Tourismus: Entwicklung des Sustainable Tourism Network of the Americas, über 20 Anbieter gewonnen, mehr als 4000 kleine und mittlere Tourismusgesellschaften in 5 Ländern. Crops see next chart

16 Added march 08, not in Spanish
© Copyright Rainforest Alliance Thursday, November 15, 2018Thursday, November 15, 2018

17 Evalueren en Monitoren
Added march 08, not in Spanish © Copyright Rainforest Alliance Thursday, November 15, 2018Thursday, November 15, 2018

18 Farm Certification: Nu
Rainforest Alliance Farm Certification: Nu Bananen Koffie Sinaasappel Cacao Bloemen Ananas Thee 7 Mei 2007

19 Rainforest Alliance Farm Certification: In de toekomst
Duurzaam vee beheer, duurzame productie van soya, palm olie, suiker, en andere biofuels. Klimaatsverandering initiatief om “carbon offsets” te certificieeren en het beschermen van grote stukken bos om carbon dioxide uit de atmosfeer te absorberen. © Copyright Rainforest AllianceCopyright Rainforest Alliance 2006 7 Mei 2007

20 Rainforest Alliance partners
Multilaterals: UN Environment Programme, UN Development Programme, UN Global Compact, InterAmerican Development Bank, Global Environmental Facility, International Finance Corporation Development Agencies: US Agency of International Development, GTZ Industry (partial): Whole Foods, IKEA, Gibson USA, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Kraft, Caribou Coffee, Nespresso, Chiquita, Time Inc., Plantation Chocolate, Natura, Aveda, Unilever, Lavazza, Tchibo, Costco, Costa Coffee, Sam’s Club, Collruyt, Innocent drinks, boabob tours Title revised by Phil Berroll July 2008 Thursday, November 15, 2018Thursday, November 15, 2018

21 Rainforest Alliance Certified In de markt
© Copyright Rainforest Alliance 7 Mei 2007

22 © Rainforest Alliance 2008 11/15/2018

23 Bedrijven 11/15/2018

24 Retailers

25 TV spots 25

26 © Copyright 2007. Rainforest AllianceCopyright Rainforest Alliance 2006
7 Mei 2007

27 Launching Oct. 2006, in-flight cup for all KLM flights

28 Chiquita`s Marketing Campagne
© Copyright Rainforest AllianceCopyright Rainforest Alliance 2006 7 Mei 2007

29 © Copyright 2007. Rainforest AllianceCopyright Rainforest Alliance 2006
7 Mei 2007

30 Rainforest Alliance Certified™
The Mission of the Rainforest Alliance Established in 1987, the Rainforest Alliance is an international, independent, non-profit conservation organization that works in the areas of agriculture, forestry and ecotourism. The mission of the Rainforest Alliance is to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. The Rainforest Alliance accomplishes its mission by promoting and implementing global standards for sustainable management practices and monitoring and evaluating progress and compliance through on-site certification. The Rainforest Alliance also concentrates on education and outreach to industry consumers about their opportunities and responsibilities to conserve natural resources. The Sustainable Agriculture Program: Established in response to rampant deforestation and careless agrochemical use in the commercial agriculture industry. Agriculture is the number one cause of ecosystem destruction and species loss worldwide. Agriculture occupies approximately one third of the Earth’s total landscape and uses more land and freshwater than any other human activity in the world. As a major employer, the agriculture industry affects social, economic and cultural conditions as well. Because of agriculture’s widespread influence, the Rainforest Alliance works directly with those who use the land, primarily farmers, to promote economically viable, environmentally sound and socially equitable agriculture. Rainforest Alliance certifies farms growing coffee, cacao, citrus, flowers and ferns. To date, Rainforest Alliance has certified more than 448,000 acres in the production of bananas, oranges, cut flowers and ferns, coffee and cocoa Rainforest Alliance Certification Guarantees that products meet comprehensive standards for sustainability. Standards ensure farming practices are: Environmentally sound, Economically viable, Socially equitable Rainforest Alliance Certification incorporate the Principles of Sustainable Agriculture: Wildlife conservation Ecosystem conservation Soil conservation Conservation of water resources Integrated management of wastes Integrated Pest Management Fair treatment and good conditions for workers Strong community relations Certification is conducted by independent, third party Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN), a coalition of conservation organizations located in producing countries SAN contributes local expertise, credibility, cultural sensitivity Representatives are accessible to assist farmers and exporters Rainforest Alliance Certification is a Voluntary, non-governmental process Complete Traceability: Producer - to exporter/importer - processor/roaster – retailer - consumer Certification is operates according to a market driven approach: Rainforest Alliance does not buy or sell products or receive revenue from sales of certified product Rainforest Alliance Certified™ Coffee 11 producer countries in Latin America, expanding this year to Africa and Indonesia Consumer countries/regions include: North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, South Africa, Central and South America Program has experienced tremendous growth over past several years due to increased demand: production of 22M lbs of Certified coffee in 2002; over 94M lbs in 2005! 325% growth in 3 years! Coffee can be found in over 20,000 outlets worldwide, including: supermarkets, gourmet groceries, convenience stores, retail shops, institutions, tourist attractions, universities, corporate offices, hotels, restaurants, airlines and more.... Who Benefits?: Producers: Diversified and well-managed farms Improved efficiency Reduced costs Better management practices Improved market access Contract stability Favorable credit options Publicity Technical assistance Reduced dependence on agrochemicals Increased worker productivity Improved worker satisfaction and retention rates - lower turnover Farm Workers/ Families Just wages – local minimum wage or national avg wage (whichever is higher) Cleaner, safer, more dignified workplace Workers’ rights are respected Right to Organize Access to healthcare Accesss to education Improved transportation Dignified housing SAM’S Club Assurance that coffee meets highest standards for sustainability Long-term reliable source Good quality coffee Scaleable Corporate social responsibility and sourcing Corporate reputation and brand impact Reduced risk from health/labor issues, reduced criticism from advocacy groups Comply with and surpass pending goverment regulations Competitive advantage Strengthened public image Consumers Guarantee product comes from sustainable source Opportunity to use their dollar to affect positive global, environmental sustainable change The Environment! Decreased water pollution through control of waste and agrochemicals Decreased soil erosion through conservation practices Reduced threats to the environment and human health as the most dangerous pesticides are prohibited and all chemicals strictly regulated Increased wildlife habitat as deforestation is stopped River banks are protected with buffer zones and critical ecosystems such as wetlands are protected Forest patches on farms are preserved Less waste as farm by-products are composted and returned to the fields as natural fertilizer Less water use as water conservation measures are applied in washing and packing stations, housing areas and irrigation. © Copyright Rainforest AllianceCopyright Rainforest Alliance 2006 7 Mei 2007

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