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Zorg & Domotica Hugo Velthuijsen Lector New Business & ICT

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Presentatie over: "Zorg & Domotica Hugo Velthuijsen Lector New Business & ICT"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Zorg & Domotica Hugo Velthuijsen Lector New Business & ICT
Een kwestie van marktfalen?

2 Aanleiding Domotica Platform Nederland in 2009: “… belofte Domotica al 20 jaar niet ingelost … vooral pilots … te technisch … eilandjes … te duur …” Maar, domotica cruciaal voor speerpunten Hanzehogeschool Groningen: energy transition en healthy ageing / healthy lifestyle Ambitie: duurzame inzet van domotica tbv speerpunten in noordelijke regio Vraag: kunnen de stakeholders in Noord Nederland elkaar versterken om te komen tot duurzaam succesvolle inzet van domotica in de Zorg? New Business & ICT

3 Korte inventarisatie Domotica projecten in Noord Nederland item
zorginstellingen Naam zorginstelling NOVO Doelgroep Licht verstandelijk gehandicapten Gebruikers Orthopedagogen / begeleiders Scenarios – Dag/nacht ritme – Verwarming – Woon/werkver-keer Sensoren / actoren Bedsensor,tempe-ratuur, verwar-ming, raam/deur contact, mobiel, speaker Architectuur Expert systeem Platform DAP / AVICS New Business & ICT

4 Derk Hugo Agenda Financiën Markt Mens & organisatie
Inleiding + gesprek Derk Hugo Financiën Markt Mens & organisatie Techniek & innovatie New Business & ICT

5 + = Domotica Domotica Domotica = electronics in the home 21-9-2018
New Business & ICT

6 Relevance of Domotica for Hanze University
Technology solutions for Energy Transition & Healthy Ageing Energy Transition and Healthy Ageing are the two focal points for applied research in the Groningen area RUG, UMCG, and Hanze University collaborate on these topics The Centre of Entrepreneurship addresses valorisation of research output New Business & ICT

7 Project IM LVG Partners Looptijd Stichting NOVO
Een voorbeeld Partners Stichting NOVO AVICS Hanzehogeschool (penvoerder) Financiering Budget € 60% door Provincie Groningen ihkv IAG2 programma AVICS levert apparatuur en kennis NOVO levert zorg deskundigheid HG levert kennis & ervaring (lector, docenten) en onderzoekscapaciteit & handjes (studenten) Looptijd Augustus 2009 – Juli 2011 Basissysteem ontwikkeld Installatie, nul- en effectmetingen vanaf oktober 2010 Ambitie Middels een multidisciplinaire aanpak grip krijgen op al die randvoorwaar-den die van belang zijn om te komen tot een duurzame innovatie in de Zorg Lectoraat New Business & ICT

8 Doelgroep Licht verstandelijk gehandicapten IQ ca 50-85
Behoefte aan rust, orde en regelmaat Beperkt besef van tijd, tijdsduur, plaats, afstand, risico’s, goed/fout Moeite met “oorzaak-gevolg”. “als-dan”, in actie komen, plannen, dingen afmaken Huidige ondersteuning via menselijke interventies: observeren, signaleren en interveniëren Begeleiding voornamelijk reactief Innovatie: Zoveel mogelijk observeren, signa-leren en interveniëren overnemen door (technische) hulpmiddelen (arbeidsmarkt & kosten Doelstellingen Bevorderen van de zelfredzaamheid van cliënten (“kwaliteit van leven”) Begeleiding van reactief naar proactief Begeleiding van operationeel naar tactisch Verlaging van het aantal incidenten en escalaties

9 Hosted Domotica Server
Techniek Hosted Domotica Server Database Woon Ambulante Team Zorgverlener Rapportage Script Editor LVG’er Expert Systeem Alarm Server Werk 9

10 Gebruikers Gebruikers Juridisch/ethische aspecten cliënten
Gebruikers zijn: Orthopedagogen: gebruiken het systeem voor ontwikkelen effectieve interventies Begeleiders: gebruiken het systeem om een deel van hun taken naar te delegeren Interactieve, exploratieve en iteratieve ontwikkel-methodiek om gebruikers-acceptatie te realiseren Intellectueel eigendom is gezamenlijk ontwikkelde kennis over effectieve interventies: co-creatie Systeem kan ingezet worden voor andere zorginstellingen, ander type cliënten, andere scenario’s Juridisch/ethische aspecten cliënten Systeem betekent inbreuk op de privacy Is dat erg? Belang cliënt: Recht op privacy, maar ook Recht op goede zorg Belang zorgaanbieder: goede, betaalbare zorg Maatregelen: Duidelijke afspraken met cliënten Zorgvuldig informatiemanagement: onderzoek en operatie Uit-knop Aansprakelijkheid Medisch Ethische Toetsings Commissie

11 Multidisciplinariteit
Toegepaste disciplines ICT Sensor technologie Human technology Gezondheidsstudies Rechten Financieel-economisch management Marketing & Communicatie International Business

12 Explanations for lack of success: Too much technology driven
Domotica does not fulfill its promise After 20 year of projects and pilots market reach is limited Explanations for lack of success: Too much technology driven Not sustainable after pilot phase Too much “island thinking” Not user friendly enough Not extensible enough Too expensive Source: Statements by Domotica Plaform Nederland New Business & ICT

13 It is better to have a reasonable market share in a very large market
Different sectors are convergeing in the home… … but they are not CONVERGEING! Gaming Audio Video Health care Different players in different sectors see the home as their future market of growth Some of these players are world players (Sony, Philips, Microsoft, Google, etc.) Most larger players aim for dominant market shares (of their perceived market) Few players aim at transsectoral innovation Commu-nication Security Energy & Sustain-ability Lighting Comfort It is better to have a reasonable market share in a very large market than market dominance in a very small market! New Business & ICT

14 The Domotica market is a composite of different markets
Scenarios in the home Advancement of domotica in the home as a sequence of life time decisions People will make stand alone decisions on buying domotica-style products and services at different times Each decision stands at its own at that time, but is influenced by the installed base At different times, people may have different decision criteria (cost, quality, reliability, ease of use, comfort) and fall within different market segments Each time one solution competes with numerous other solutions Low incremental costs as well as ease of use will usually be deciding factors if a new product is bought and which new product is bought Example of a family lifecycle Triple play (phone, TV, Internet) Babyfoon Energy conservation Audio & video to multiple rooms Gaming Security system Upgraded energy conservation system Remote health care Home assistance The Domotica market is a composite of different markets New Business & ICT

15 Sector specific solutions
“Island thinking”: vertical integration Koala Zorg op Afstand Google Powermeter PConTV company Sony Essent Oxxio Etc. application specific equipment na TV various na na Camera/ TV PC TV Thermo- staat PC PC TV display PS2 PConTV modem HR-e ketel Smart meter Smart meter Box hub WiFI PLC WiFi GPRS ? Cat5 Infrastructuur RG RG RG GPRS netwerk ? RG Gateway New Business & ICT

16 No overhead for potential future additions; lower one-off costs
Vertical integration Advantageous for one-offs; disadvantageous for multiple solutions Advantages Integrated solutions Easy to install No overhead for potential future additions; lower one-off costs Optimized design for single application Disadvantages Difficult to integrate with different solutions Higher overall costs due to duplication of a single function by different solutions Potential design drawbacks for additional solutions New Business & ICT

17 Need for generic solutions
Horizontal integration application specific equipment PC other display TV Generic contolling device hub Generic infrastructure Infrastructuur Generic gateway Gateway New Business & ICT

18 Vacuum in development Laws and regulations Macro-economic developments
Gap between macro-economcs and technology Laws and regulations Macro-economic developments Stimulation packages New PMC’s with sustainable business models (technological) innovations & standardisation e.g., ICT Innovation Platform Domotica & Smart Living (IIP-DSL) New Business & ICT

19 Business model consequences
Cost comparisons Typically, closed, dedicated solutions are cheaper and therefore more attractive to potential buyers Generic infrastructures have low perceived consumer added value Different possible solutions: Someone with deep pockets (the government?) invests in a common infrastructure (without applications; thus no real business case) Someone develops an open platform and application(s) with sufficiently high volume and economies of scale to create a ‘de facto’ standard (like the Iphone example), Someone develops a truely incremental model Others? New Business & ICT

20 Can this model work for Domotica?
Open innovation model Example Apple Iphone Iphone is a great product with good basic applications An open applications programming interface (API) for adding numerous other applications 1 distribution platform > 70,000 applications, developed by ‘everybody’ Caveat: there is always more creativity outside the company than inside! Can this model work for Domotica? New Business & ICT

21 Workable business models
What has worked so far? Pilots New Domotica applications built as pilot / proof of concept One-off investments are part of development costs (i.e. negligable) Usually no attention for sustainable business case Property development Domotica applications and infrastructure as part of the development of a new building or area Investment as part of the property investment (i.e. negligable) In the Netherlands, the number of newly built houses is approx only 1% of all existing households Top-down enforcement Domotica applications made obligatory Bypass “normal” market dynamics Available as option to e.g. totalitarian governments, health insurance, etc. Others? New Business & ICT

22 Uitwisselen scenario’s Uitwisselen sensoren / actoren
Mogelijkheden voor samenwerking Delen van ervaringen Uitwisselen scenario’s Uitwisselen sensoren / actoren Investeren in standaard open platformen Investeren in standaard architectuur New Business & ICT

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