Tempoquiz rekenen Als de sommen verschijnen heb je 1 minuut(tijd kun je zelf bepalen) om de antwoorden op te schrijven. Na de minuut verstreken is gaan.

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Presentatie over: "Tempoquiz rekenen Als de sommen verschijnen heb je 1 minuut(tijd kun je zelf bepalen) om de antwoorden op te schrijven. Na de minuut verstreken is gaan."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Tempoquiz rekenen Als de sommen verschijnen heb je 1 minuut(tijd kun je zelf bepalen) om de antwoorden op te schrijven. Na de minuut verstreken is gaan we de antwoorden zien.

2 Het antwoord is: 2.400 2. Het antwoord is: 24.000 3. Het antwoord is: 1.800 4. Het antwoord is: 4.200 . 5. Het antwoord is: 2.800 6. Het antwoord is: 270 7. Het antwoord is: 10.000 8. Het antwoord is: 9. Het antwoord is: 7.200 10. Het antwoord is: 1 Antwoord 2 3 4 5 Quiz Vragen 6 30x80= 40x600= 2x900= 60x70= 4x700= 3x90= 2x500= 20x50= 80x90= 7 USER TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS: How to update to your own questions and answers. Click the text box visible on the main screen to enter Questions. Above the visible classroom scene (scroll up), is a column of text boxes for typing corresponding Answers. TO USE THE POP QUIZ: Run presentation allowing time for response(s), clicking on the numbered button (right column) for answer(s). The button will dim when the answer is revealed, but you can revisit answers by re-pressing the button. BUIDLER NOTES: Added background of classroom scene. (Right click on slide and Format Background, and choose picture from file). Drew four shapes to create a mask around chalkboard. (A rectangle above the chalkboard contains cropped image of the ceiling, a rectangle below contains the desks, and so on). Grouped these images, and only the chalkboard slate of the background was still visible. Drew a rectangle off-screen, and filled this with a chalkboard image. Repeated for a total of 10 chalkboards, slightly spaced apart and aligned in a vertical row. Drew text boxes over the chalkboard shapes to hold Answers. Grouped all shapes and text boxes in steps 4 & 5. (This entire chalkboard-text Group shows up as “Group 65” in the Custom Animation window). Drew shape for Button #1, and gave a Custom Animation from the Animation menu (Emphasis/ Darken). Clicked the off screen chalkboard-text column (Group 65), and gave this a series of animations when Button #1 is pressed: first an Exit/Fade Out (to pre-hide entire column), then a Motion Path (to bring the proper Answer into the chalkboard area), and lastly Entrance/Fade In (to reveal the Answer). Used Custom Animation window (at right) to alter Start and Speed of these in the proper chain of events. Continued this with the remaining buttons # 8 9 10

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