EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aue Hanze University of Applied.

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Presentatie over: "EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aue Hanze University of Applied."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aue Hanze University of Applied Sciences

2 Show options and their impact Stakeholders Dialogue
Our Mission :Speed up innovations for the Energy Transition Inter-disciplinary Multi-Level Co-ownership Young People ‘Just do it’ Show options and their impact Stakeholders Dialogue

3 How? Educational programmes
Energy Routes in 10 schools leading to EAE certification Learning Community Master (MSc) portfolio European Master Renewable Energy Master Sustainable Energy System management Master Energy 4 society (under dev) Partners Business partners Governmental partners Societal partners stakeholders Facilities Energy Value Chain Energy Barn EnTranCe Applied Research Hybrid energy system design & Management Alternative gasses and hybrid-fuels Energy interventions and behaviour, public support and communication New economic realities, labour market, governance and legal aspects in the energy sector Sustainable communities and local initiatives

4 Integrale zwaartepuntsvorming (Veerman)
Onderwijs; portfolio van 20 energieroutes binnen het bachelor onderwijs en een masterporfolio van 4 energiemaster. Sinds 2012 ca 1000 studenten meer dan 15 ECTS Energie, Bijna 350 studenten op Entrance Onderzoek; samenhangende vraaggestuurde onderzoeksthema’s meer dan 4 miljoen Euro onderzoeksvolume pj, bijna 100 projectpartners uit het bedrijfsleven Ondernemerschap; startup en accelerator programma . Nu jaarlijks startups, 5 bedrijven in opstartfase op EnTranCe. Groei naar 8 strategische partners.

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