In the loop Game: introduction on Circular Economy

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Presentatie over: "In the loop Game: introduction on Circular Economy "— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 In the loop Game based introduction on Circular Economy Ing. Matthijs H.M. Hammer M.Sc. Senior lecturer Entrepreneurship School of Entrepreneurship

2 Index Introduction on Circular Economy Introduction on the game Gaming Evaluation

3 Introduction Background Chemical Environmental Laboratory Sciences, Quality Management Experience Consulting company, Research Centre of Coating & Surface technology Saxion, university of applied sciences, Senior lecturer Innovative Entrepreneurship, School of Entrepreneurship Delft university of technology, PhD Researcher, Industrial Design Engineering, Product Innovation Management Venturelab Twente, venture coach European Council for Small Business and entrepreneurship, Country vice presedent for The Netherlands

4 In the loop Games

5 Circular Economy Maintaining Critical Materials

6 Introduction to the game Real world vs game world Teams Objective of the game Critical materials Production cards Strategies Events Lessons learned Have fun


8 How to avoid waste?

9 Where do the material come from?

10 Objective

11 Game set-up

12 How to play

13 Lets play! Remember: Every 5 minutes, an event is popping-in!

14 Evaluation Please fill-out the form What your learned?

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