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GepubliceerdNienke Brander Laatst gewijzigd meer dan 8 jaar geleden
1 functie Presentation TEEB-stad tool The value of green infrastructure in cities Lian Merkx Platform31
2 Value of investing in a green environment in cities ayer_detailpage&v=ND8uJa9l3gE ayer_detailpage&v=ND8uJa9l3gE The TEEBstad tool LtlA
3 What is TEEB-Stad (TEEB-cities)? “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity' (TEEB) is een door de VN uitgebrachte internationale studie naar de kosten en baten van biodiversiteit. Het doel is om meer inzicht te krijgen in de mondiale opbrengst van biodiversiteit, de kosten van achteruitgang van ecosystemen en de kosten van bescherming van biodiversiteit.”
4 Changing roles of local government – from ‘in charge’/’ordering partner’ to partner Public space belongs to everyone (less tragedy of the commons) Diminishing budgets New partners and investors that want to or are seduced to invest in cities Background
5 TEEB-stad tool 1.Redeneren het bedenken van baten 2.Rekenen het berekenen van de waarde van die baten 3.Verdienen welke verdienmodellen kan je gebruiken
6 Development instrument TEEB-stad – why? Quickscan to gain insight in societal en economic benefits of green infrastructure (+ indication of benefits) Insight into who benefits To Join forces with benificiaries (financially and otherwise) Many organisations and people involved in the development
7 How canTEEB-stadbe used By everyone (who speaks Dutch…) To show the effects of adding green infrastructure (eg trees, green rooftops etc) on health, energie efficiency of water retention systems – within your plan. To work with several scenario’s to find the most benificial additions To join forces with benificiaries (incl citizens, companies, waterships/water boards) To build new coalitions through new dialogue and find multiple-level businesscases
8 Use the benefits of green infrastructure as an argument (stay away from ‘feelings” Be opportunistic – join an actual event or debate (eg heatstress, health, flooding) Joint language Take time to make an inventory of ‘stakes’ How to join forces? Some examples
12 Do you recognise the debate en thoughts on economic-thinking for green infrastructure? Thought exercise: when you look at the case: what do you think are the benefits and who are the benificiaries? What opportunities do you see for the tool? Case
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