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FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 1 First Management Board meeting 27-29 June 2007, Helsinki BE member: Maarten Roggeman.

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Presentatie over: "FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 1 First Management Board meeting 27-29 June 2007, Helsinki BE member: Maarten Roggeman."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 1 First Management Board meeting 27-29 June 2007, Helsinki BE member: Maarten Roggeman DG5 – Risk Management Roland Moreau DG Environment FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment

2 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 2 Agenda Adopt Draft Rules of Procedure Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair Adopt draft Work programme for 2007 Adopt draft Budget and establishment plan for 2007 and 2008 Adopt draft Reimbursement Rules Endorse draft Seat agreement Approve draft ECHA Staff Rules

3 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 3 Composition (35 members) Voting members – 27 from MS (appointed by council) – 3 from COM (appointed by COM): DG ENTR, DG ENV & DG JRC – 2 from EP (Greens & PSE) Non-voting members (appointed by COM): CEFIC, IEEP & ETUC Composition on website ECHA in coming days (

4 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 4 RoPs RoPs adopted by MB, needed to elect Chair & Deputy Chair Based on RoPs EMEA (European Medicines Agency, London) Long discussion on alternates, decided no alternates, instead observers without voting rights if not able to attend meeting Give proxy is possible (max 2/voting member) Experts could be allowed by Chair on basis of needs Decisions by consensus or voting (2/3th majority) Gender: agreed to use "Chairperson" instead of Chairman (legal text) Long discussion on interpretation/translation: practical & financial problem, conclusion: come back to it later

5 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 5 Election Chair & Deputy chair Election by secret ballot Chairperson: one candidate, chosen – Jukka Malm (Finland) Merits 18 years experience in chemicals legislation REACH negotiations Council & CWG Project Manager Finnish side for establishment ECHA Director of expert services in Finnish Environmental Institute Deputy-Chairman: no candidate, finally one candidate proposed by the Irish and Maltese delegation, candidate chosen: – Antonello Lapalorcia (IT) Merits not presented Ministry of Economy

6 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 6 Other decisions Draft Work programme for 2007 adopted – consequence adoption = possible to proceed to budget approval – contains an overview of activities, general remark was that MB needs also detailed deliverables, timelines and risks (can be expected in the future) Draft Budget and establishment plan for 2007 and 2008 adopted – 2007: budget 15 294 k€ (entirely EU subsidy)and 101 staff – 2008: budget 66 425 k€ (62.6 milj EU subsidy)and 220 staff Draft Reimbursement Rules adopted Endorsement of draft Seat agreement Draft ECHA Staff Rules approved

7 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 7 ECHA state of play STAFF At present ECHA officialy only 2 staff: – Geert Dancet: IED – Martin Kroeger: secr Others officialy still at COM (i.e. not yet seconded) Challenge: start only fully in September due to slow secondment process, and will be difficult to get up to speed: people from 18 DGs !! Secondees will bring in the necessary knowledge in starting-up phase, this should make an early take off possible (other agencies didn’t use this strategy and took about 3 years to start running) 6 seconded national experts Possible ECHA help on identifying cross-links between substances on pre- reg list (coverage of one substance by more EINECS entries is possible)

8 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 8 ECHA state of play (2) Targets for all staff at end of year: 2007110 2008240 2009350 2010450 GUIDANCE Responsibles RIPs COM will remain responsible once 2nded Translation of guidance: – scientific parts not translated (causes enormous problems: MOD once was translated, was very very cumbersome, slow and expensive) – general parts translated: part DU, pre-reg,…

9 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 9 ECHA state of play (3) IT Installation of data centre and recovery room Build and roll-out of IUCLID5 from ECB, IUCLID helpdesk and websites to be transferred to ECHA Creation of multilingual website (22 languages today)

10 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 10 Election Executive Director Procedure election - COM followed procedure applicable to all agencies - 1 st screening by COM supported by consultant - Following the screening: pre-selection Ctee with DG ENV director, DG JRC dir and DG administration dir - Mid July: other interview for nr of candidates (result= shortlist) - COM adopt shortlist (at their 1st meeting after summer break in Sept) - MB then chooses from the shortlist - Introduction ED to the EP No names or even numbers made known to MB, shortlist will be published (CD)

11 FOD VOLKSGEZONDHEID, VEILIGHEID VAN DE VOEDSELKETEN EN LEEFMILIEU 11 Next meetings planning 18 July 18-19 Sept 16-17 Oct 4-5 Dec


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