Escif 19 mei 2011 CQi Rehabilitation and client perspective André Bons Senior staff member LSR LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Escif 19 mei 2011 CQi Rehabilitation and client perspective André Bons Senior staff member LSR LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

LSR Client organisation Since mid-nineties Independent, non-profit Funded by –government –membership Contract research LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

LSR basics Some 550 members Cure and care 65 employees Client perspective LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

Mission and vision Ability of every client Citizenship Human rights Equality Empowerment Dialogue Progress LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

LSR activities Clients’ councils training & support Research & development Helpdesk Lobby Participate in the debate on the future of health care LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

Rehabilitation 24 rehabilitation centres 24 clients’ councils Partners: –Revalidatie Nederland –Patients’ organisations –Nivel –CKZ LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

CQi Participation in development CQi Translate results LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

CQi Rehabilitation Example 2010 Arnhem & Leiden Translation of results Client based programs for improvement Advise on future efforts LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

Future of CQi Invest in adapting CQi Participation in project Revalidatie Nederland/ZiZo Make survey more adequate Make results more usefull Key role clients & clients’ councils LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap

Client perspective Strong voice Clear vision Open mind In dialogue LSR, landelijk steunpunt (mede)zeggenschap