kansen voor de tuinbouw?


Verwante presentaties
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Simuleren van DOT / Impact Analyse Simplifying Decisions for Everyone.
Social Technographics Hoe ontwikkel je een succesvolle social media strategie? Reineke Reitsma Director, Consumer Technographics Forrester Research 11.
Checklist voor de Cloud
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Leiden University. The university to discover. XML 3 – feedback transcription -XML syntax: content 1 woord onleesbaar reason="bad handwriting"
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Open Access en de universiteit IQ healthcare Bart Staal.
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Voorziening levensonderhoud Religieuze Instituten Paul Op Heij ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 25 september 2013 The future depends on what you do today.
Accessible Instructional Materials. § Discussion: Timely access to appropriate and accessible instructional materials is an inherent component.
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zaterdag 19 juli 2014 Saturday, 19 July 2014 I see what you don’t see I come from another galaxy My earthal life was not the intention I was meant.
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Copyright met toestemming gebruikt van Stichting Licentie © 1999 Hillsong Publishing 1/4 ONE DAY (Rueben Morgan) More than I could hope or dream of Meer.
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Transcript van de presentatie:

kansen voor de tuinbouw? Social listening: kansen voor de tuinbouw? Sandjai Bhulai (s.bhulai@vu.nl)

introduction Dr. S. (Sandjai) Bhulai Research / Education: Associate Professor Faculty of Sciences VU University Amsterdam Department: Mathematics s.bhulai@vu.nl Business Analytics: Optimization of Business Processes Research / Education: Decision making under uncertainty Control of complex high-dimensional systems Stochastic optimization

Big data?

Business analytics BIG data gaat niet alleen over hoeveelheid: de kern is het ontwikkelen van inzichten! Discovering what you don’t know you don’t know……

De big picture data logistiek retail energie social media telecom health care

Sociale media in ons leven

Sociale media in ons leven

Sociale media in ons leven

Sociale media in ons leven

Billion $ businesses… Business model is DATA! Sociale media $ $ Billion $ businesses… Business model is DATA!

Social listening: Sociale media http://blogs.wsj.com/cio/2013/10/30/facebook-considers-vast-increase-in-data-collection/

Sociale media Example in which the previous mentioned drivers of change come together. Global Pulse is predicated on the understanding that today “new data” is being generated as a by-product of people’s activities at a rate that is unprecedented in human history.  That deluge of passively produced data may hold insights about how, for better or worse, people’s lives are impacted by shocks like volatility in food and fuel prices.

10 Top Apps For Eating Healthy Social listening 10 Top Apps For Eating Healthy An a a day keeps the doctor away….! An APP a day keeps the doctor away….!

Social listening

Social listening

De retail sector winterbanden

De retail sector

De retail sector

De retail sector

Csi: politie planning

Csi: politie planning

Nieuws voorspellen op nu.nl?

Twitter: populariteit

Live demo Prototype: live twitter stream! Bijna volledige Nederlandse Twitter stroom Probeert nieuws te detecteren voordat het in de mainstream media is

Van nu.nl naar straks.nl

Twitter voor een taxi

BIG T&U Social listening pilot Spam filtering Keyword filtering Context detectie Horticube Top 10 dashboard Alert functie Teneur van berichten Clustering Visualisatie

Groente en fruit op social media Consumptiepatroon Groente/fruit soorten Teneur van de berichten Verschuivingen Seizoenspatronen Retailinfo Product/supermarkt Product attributen Herkomst Kwaliteit Kleur en geur

Groente en fruit op social media

Sierteelt op social media

Sierteelt op social media

Sierteelt op social media

Bedankt voor uw aandacht!