Motivation One secret for success in organizations is motivated and enthusiastic employees The challenge is to keep employee motivation consistent with.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

Motivation One secret for success in organizations is motivated and enthusiastic employees The challenge is to keep employee motivation consistent with organizational goals

Motivation Arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior Employee motivation affects productivity Part of a manager’s job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of organizational goals

Two Types of Rewards 1. Intrinsic reward satisfactions a person receives in the process of performing a particular action. 2. Extrinsic rewards given by another person

A Simple Model of Motivation

Content Theories of Motivation Emphasize the needs that motivate people Hierarchy of Needs Theory ERG Theory Two-Factor Theory Acquired Needs Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

ERG Theory

Two Factor Motivation Theory

Acquired Needs Theory David McClelland Need for Achievement desire to accomplish something difficult, master complex tasks, and surpass others Need for Affiliation desire to form close personal relationships, avoid conflict, and establish warm friendships Need for Power desire to influence or control others

Process Theories of Motivation Equity Theory focuses on individuals’ perceptions of how fairly they are treated compared with others motivated to seek social equity in the rewards they expect for performance

Process Theories of Motivation Expectancy Theory motivation depends on individuals’ expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards concerned not with identifying types of needs but with the thinking process that individuals use to achieve rewards based on the effort, performance, and desirability of outcomes

Goal Setting Theory A motivation theory in which specific challenging goals increase motivation and performance when the goals are accepted by subordinates and these subordinates receive feedback to indicate their progress toward goal achievement.

Reinforcement Perspective on Motivation

Job Characteristics Model

A Continuum of Empowerment

Inhoud motiverende werksituatie (“een” voorbeeld) - verantwoorde beloning - geen directe controle - eigen verantwoordelijkheid - zodanige functie dat alle capaciteiten worden benut - zelfstandigheid - medezeggenschap inzake werk en werkomstandigheden - informatievoorziening inzake voortgang van het werk met het oog op bijsturing - complete, afgeronde takenopbouw - inzicht in de betekenis van de bijdrage aan de resultaten - mogelijkheden tot ontwikkeling en ontplooiing
