ICT in STEM education online teaching materials Course: Bètadidactisch ontwerpen Eindhoven School of Education Ruurd Taconis, Ton Marée, Linda Le Grand.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

ICT in STEM education online teaching materials Course: Bètadidactisch ontwerpen Eindhoven School of Education Ruurd Taconis, Ton Marée, Linda Le Grand (kennisnet)

ICT: online teaching materials (OTM) ICT in SEC •Course: ‘Betadidactisch ontwerpen’ functions, online teaching materials •Course: ‘Onderwijskunde 3’ TPACK model, themes elaborated using ICT Now: 1.ICT in education: History, Future --- now! 2.Why Online Teaching Materials? 3.Creating OTM (wikiwijs-leermiddelenplein) 4.Implications for classrooms …. examples ….. ….. discussion….

ICT in STEM education: History

ICT in STEM education: Future

ICT in STEM education: Now! Metapraatje

Why Online Teaching Materials? Unique qualities of online teaching materials 1.Mircro: multimediality, availability, connectivity, actualities, interactivity/feedback, testing, adaptivity 2.Meso: sharing, administration (‘magister’), open learning environment 3.Macro: standardization, cost reduction, updates & innovation management, merging of education (The future of education: Opportunities & system ) How OTM can help dealing with the big STEM education dilemma’s?

Why Online Teaching Materials? multimediality availability connectivity Interactivity/- feedback testing adaptivitysharing cost reduction Include actualities administration merging of education updates & innovation management standardization open learning environment Equal participation personal & realistic NOS / skills

Why Online Teaching Materials? 1.Equal participation 2.Personalized, real-life, engaging, fun 3.NOS: science in the making… How OTM can help dealing with the big STEM education dilemma’s?

Why Online Teaching Materials? Unique qualities of online teaching materials 1.Mircro: multimediality, availability, connectivity, actualities, interactivity/feedback, testing, adaptivity 2.Meso: sharing, administration (‘magister’), open learning environment 3.Macro: standardization, cost reduction, updates & innovation management, merging of education (The future of education: Opportunities & system )

Why Online Teaching Materials? Unique qualities of online teaching materials 1.Mircro: multimediality, availability, connectivity, actualities, interactivity/feedback, testing, adaptivity 2.Meso: sharing, administration (‘magister’), open learning environment 3.Macro: standardization, cost reduction, updates & innovation management, merging of education (The future of education: Opportunities & system )

Multimedia & Visualization New Journal of PhysicsNew Journal of Physics Volume 10 December 2008 Barry C Sanders et al 2008 New J. Phys doi: / /10/12/125001Volume 10 December 2008 doi: / /10/12/ Focus on Visualization in Physics Vector Fields morph/visualizations/glacier_physics.html

Interactivity •Teaching with forums •Teaching with wiki •


ESoE and OTM

Gamification •MOOC: •Westpoint bridge designer •EE electrical endeavors •Dr O-too •Simclass

TIPS Using interactive teaching materials •Blended •Pedagogy for technology •Simple technology KISS Khan Academy eLearning Technology:

TIPS Developing interactive teaching materials 1.Tips voor het maken van een leerpad 1.Gebruiksvriendelijkheid 2.Website: gebruik die tips 2.Schermopbouw 1.Vormgeving is belangrijk 2.Plaats niet teveel info op 1 pagina 3.Elementen dicht bij elkaar worden als 1 geheel gezien 4.Beperk pagina tot 1 scherm (niet scrollen) 3.Variatie 1.Voldoende multimediamateriaal 4.Structuur 1.Belangrijk voor herkenning door leerlingen 5.Menu 1.Duidelijke naamgeving van de menu-items 6.Tekst 1.Korte zinnen 2.Werk met opsommingen 3.Zorg voor printvriendelijke versie indien nodig 4.Links: niet “klik hier”, gebruik zinvolle naam 5.Belangrijke woorden: vet, niet onderlijnen (i.e. link) 7.Multimedia 1.Geen materiaal gebruiken die niets met de inhoud te maken heeft 2.Combineer tekst en beeld of een film met voice over 3.Laat animaties, audio en video nooit automatisch starten Ontwikkelen van interactief lesmateriaal - Ann Buffel en Bart D'haenens - SoE à la carte - 21 oktober

Sources Examples •Online Teacher training in China Nan Li • Background •ICT en (bèta)didactische onderwijsmodellen •ICT en constructivisme (modellen) •Open Online Resources Tools •Quality of online learning materials: