LPI 2010 NLLGG Trainer: Jeroen van Pelt Bijeenkomst 5: Hardware en het opzetten van Filesystemen 17.4.2010.


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Transcript van de presentatie:

LPI 2010 NLLGG Trainer: Jeroen van Pelt Bijeenkomst 5: Hardware en het opzetten van Filesystemen

 Terugblik bijeenkomst 4  Determine and configure hardware settings  Create partitions and filesystems  Maintain the integrity of filesystems  Afronding en huiswerk Agenda

 Candidates should be able to determine and configure fundamental system hardware.  Key Knowledge Areas  Enable and disable integrated peripherals.  Configure systems with or without external peripherals such as keyboards.  Differentiate between the various types of mass storage devices.  Set the correct hardware ID for different devices, especially the boot device.  Know the differences between coldplug and hotplug devices.  Determine hardware resources for devices.  Tools and utilities to list various hardware information (e.g. lsusb, lspci, etc.)  Tools and utilities to manipulate USB devices  Conceptual understanding of sysfs, udev, hald, dbus  Boek: LPI Determine and configure hardware settings

 Geheugenbeheer  Procesbeheer  Communicatie met device drivers  Communicatie met bestandssystemen  Communicatie met de shell Taken van de kernel

 Fysiek + logisch (Swap) = virtueel geheugen  Adresruimte  Gebruik code door meerdere processen Geheugenbeheer

 pstree  System-calls  Signals  SIGSTOP  SIGKILL  Communicatie tussen processen:  Message queues (named pipes)  Semaphores  Shared memory Procesbeheer

 Communicatie met apparaten  Apparaatbestanden (udev)  Major/minor nummer (/dev; mknod)  Drie typen  Character (zonder buffer)  Block (512/1024 bytes blocks)  Network (netwerksubsysteem) Device drivers

 lsmod  modprobe (-v / -r)  modinfo  Configuratie opties:  /etc/modprobe.conf  /etc/modprobe.d  Beheer van afhankelijkheden  depmod  modules.dep Kernel modules

  alias  Alternatieve naam  install  Voer shell script uit bij laden  remove  Voer shell script uit bij verwijderen  include  Neem aanvullende configbestanden mee  blacklist  Gebruik de interne aliasnamen niet Modprobe.conf

 /proc/sys  debug  dev  fs  kernel  net  vm  Aanpassen  echo /proc/sys/  sysctl Aanpassen van kernel parameters


 Candidates should be able to configure disk partitions and then create filesystems on media such as hard disks. This includes the handling of swap partitions.  Key Knowledge Areas  Use various mkfs commands to set up partitions and create various filesystems such as:  ext2  ext3  xfs  reiserfs v3  vfat  Boek: LPI Create partitions and filesystems

 Apparaatbestanden  /dev/hda  /dev/sda  Filesystemlabel  mkfs -t ext3 –L mijnlabel /dev/sda2  tune2fs –L mijnlabel /dev/sda2  LABEL=mijnlabel i.p.v. /dev/sda2  Udev apparaatnamen  /dev/disk Adresseren van opslag

 fdisk  Oefenen op aparte schijf/USB stick Partities beheren

 mkfs [options] -t [fstype] device [blocksize]  Common options:  -t: fstype:File system type.  -c :Check the device for bad blocks before building the filesystem.  Examples:  mkfs -t msdos /dev/fd0 Bestandssystemen aanmaken

 mke2fs [options] device [blocksize]  Common options:  -b: Specify the block sizefstype: File system type.  -c : Check the device for bad blocks before building the filesystem.  -j: Create the filesystem with an ext3 journal.  -L: Set the volume label for the filesystem.  Examples:  mkefs -b 2048 /dev/fd0 -L floppy Extended bestandssystemen

 du [options] [files...]  Common options:  -a: All files not just directories  -b: Print size in bytes  -c: Total  -h: Human readable format. (1K, 20M,...)  Examples:  du -ch /home/jeroen du – disk usage

 df [options] [files...]  Common options:  -a: All included filesystems with 0 blocks.  -t: Limit listing to a filesystem type.  -h: Human readable format. (1K, 20M,...)  Examples  df -t ext2 -h df – filesystem disk space

 Candidates should be able to maintain a standard filesystem, as well as the extra data associated with a journaling filesystem.  Key Knowledge Areas  Verify the integrity of filesystems.  Monitor free space and inodes.  Repair simple filesystem problems.  Boek: 5.4 LPI Maintain the integrity of filesystems

 fsck [options] -t [fstype] device [fsck-options]  Common options:  -A: Check all filesystems in fstab  Common fsck-options:  -a: Automatically repair.  -r: Interactively repair.  Example:  fsck -t msdos /dev/fd0 -a  fsck -t reiserfs /dev/hda2 -r Integriteit van bestandssysteem

 e2fsck [options] device  Common options:  -b: Use an alternate super block filename.  -c: Run badblocks program and mark allbad blocks.  -f: Force checking even if the filesystem seems clean.  -a or -p: Automatically repair.  -y: Non-interactive mode  Examples:  e2fsck -ay /dev/fd0 e2fsck -f /dev/hda2 Extended bestandssystemen checken

 debugfs device  Common commands:  Help:Give an help on all the command available.  Stats: Give a statitstics of the media.  Stat file:Give a statistic of the file on the media.  logdump: Dump the journal's media into a file Filesystem debug

 dumpe2fs [options] device  Common options:  -b: print the bad blocks of the filesystem.  -h: Display only the superblock information.  Examples:  dumpe2fs -h /dev/fd0 Dump ext filesysteminfo

 tune2fs [options] device  Common options:  -i#: Interval between filesystem checks [d|m|w].  -l: List the contents of the filesystem superblock.  -L: Set the volume label of the filesystem.  Examples:  tune2fs -L floppy /dev/fd0 Tune extended filesystems

 xfs_check  xfs_repair XFS analyseren en beheren

 “Gebruikers, permissies, procesbeheer”  Lees in boek:  6.1: Aanmaken van gebruikersaccounts (p )  6.6: Werken met quota (p )  7.1: Eigenaars (p )  7.2: Werken standaard permissies: read, write, execute (p )  9.1: Linux-processen begrijpen (p )  9.2: Procesmonitoring (p )  9.3: Processen beheren (p )  Herhaal de opdrachten van bijeenkomst 5 Huiswerk: