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Particle physics in a nutshell  Nikhef Frank Linde, Shell-Nikhef brainstorm workshop, Shell Rijswijk, 21 March 2011.

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Presentatie over: "Particle physics in a nutshell  Nikhef Frank Linde, Shell-Nikhef brainstorm workshop, Shell Rijswijk, 21 March 2011."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 particle physics in a nutshell  Nikhef Frank Linde, Shell-Nikhef brainstorm workshop, Shell Rijswijk, 21 March 2011

2 astronomy particle physics astroparticle physics


4 Standard Model elementary particle masses daily life

5 now abundance of chemical elements Big Bang’s afterglow Big Bang

6 Origin of particle masses? Newton didn’t know – neither do we … How did the Universe look directly after the Big Bang? Observe it! What is the Universe made of? We barely know 4%! Where is all the antimatter? Universe ought to be symmetric!

7 particle sources accelerators natural sources

8 1897: Thomson  electron 1890: N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandse Petroleum Maatschappij (Koninklijke Olie)

9 PS ISR SPS SppS LEP LHC  CLIC 1989 2009 2025?1981195919711976 CERN Netherlands: ~4.5% 1.9 € per person per year

10 man-made source: accelerator




14 KS  +-KS  +- 0


16 1907-1912: Wulf & Hess cosmic-rays 1907: Nauwe samenwerking tussen Koninklijke Olie (NL) & Shell Co. (UK)

17 natural source: cosmic rays,


19 Nikhef = collaboration RuG NIOZ UT LEI TUe ASTRON TUD SRON +

20 Astroparticle physics Accelerator-based particle physics VIRGO gravitational-wave detector Nikhef research: experiment XENON-1t deep-underground dark matter detector ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope AUGER cosmic ray observatory Experiments @ CERN: ALICE ATLAS LHCb


22 Why are we at Shell? personal collaboration FOM-IPP? &



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