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Quantaris B.V. Welcome Communication between Dutch notaries and banks through WebServices Emil Stojanov Quantaris.

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Presentatie over: "Quantaris B.V. Welcome Communication between Dutch notaries and banks through WebServices Emil Stojanov Quantaris."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Quantaris B.V. Welcome Communication between Dutch notaries and banks through WebServices Emil Stojanov Quantaris

2 Quantaris B.V. Who is Quantaris?  Founded in November 1992  Dedicated to notary software  End of 1993 – 7 customers  End of 1994 – 96 customers  First VDF version October 2000  End of 2004 – 240 customers  Approx. 3800 users (11500 total) = 33%

3 Quantaris B.V. ECH  Electronic communication between banks and notaries  Streamlining mortgage process  Eliminate all ‘paper’ communication  Safe communication by Client Certificates  Process control  Data exchange

4 Quantaris B.V. Mortgage process Orientation Quot e Acceptance -Offreren Exchange information Transfer money-deed Advise Mortgage ClientBankNotary

5 Quantaris B.V. What is ECH Notary offices Mortgage banks ECH server Security Messages Backoffice Mortgage bank Backoffice Mortgage bank Backoffice Mortgage bank

6 Quantaris B.V. Goals  Should work with both CM and VDF(9)  Shield user from communications  Foolproof  Integration with database

7 Quantaris B.V. Structure ECH Case Tasks Data ECH Notary BANK

8 Quantaris B.V. Implementation  VDF 11 for the webservices  Separate communication module  Main application uses a queue  Offline storage of data in application database

9 Quantaris B.V. Implementation Q-BIS Queue Database Webservice client ECH

10 Quantaris B.V. Pitfalls  Bad documentation  Not all functions documented  Different names in WSDL and documentation  Recursive structures  WSDL not compliant with service  One function returns different structures  Server returns either DateTime or Date  Sequence of elements in WSDL not conform server  Optional attributes are required  Server requires all typedefinitions to be passed  Complex web service  2 WSDL  162 complex datatypes (structures)  88 functions

11 Quantaris B.V. Recursive structures Struct tWSKlantValueBean String naamGegevens String bedrijfsNaam Boolean indicatieMan tWSKlantAdresValueBean[] klantAdressen String telefoonWerk tWSKlantAdresValueBean[]klantAdressenAtPosition tWSBurgerlijkeStaatValueBeanburgerlijkeStaat tWSSoortKlantValueBean soortKlant Boolean indicatieEerderGehuwd String bedrijfsKvKPlaats tWSTitelValueBean titel tWSKlantValueBean vertegenwoordiger String vertegenwoordiger String tussenvoegsel bigint bedrijfsKvKNummer Boolean indicatieSchuldenaar String telefoonMobiel String telefoonThuis String achternaam Boolean indicatieHypotheekGever DateTime geboorteDatum String bedrijfsTelefoon String voorletters String bedrijfsFax Boolean indicatiePandGever String email2 String email1 Boolean indicatieBorg tWSSoortLandValueBean nationaliteit String geboortePlaats End_Struct // tWSKlantValueBean

12 Quantaris B.V. One function returns different structures Function wsgetSoortValueBeans string llin0 returns tWSSoortValueBean[] Struct tWSSoortValueBean String omschrijving String code End_Struct // tWSSoortValueBean Struct tWSSoortAflosNotaBedragValueBean String omschrijving String code Boolean isCredit End_Struct // tWSSoortAflosNotaBedragValueBean Struct tWSSoortSluitnotaBedragValueBean String omschrijving String code Boolean isCredit Boolean indicatieNotaris End_Struct // tWSSoortSluitnotaBedragValueBean

13 Quantaris B.V. Server returns either DateTime or Date Struct tWSTaak (as defined in WSDL) Boolean indicatieUrgent bigint taakNummer String behandelaar Boolean indicatieEigenTaak String klant tWSZaakReferentiezaakReferentie tWSKeuzeVeld status Boolean indicatiePasseerZaak tWSKeuzeVeld soortTaak DateTime rappelDatum DateTime afhandelDatum End_Struct // tWSTaak Struct tWSTaak (as returned by server… sometimes) Boolean indicatieUrgent bigint taakNummer String behandelaar Boolean indicatieEigenTaak String klant tWSZaakReferentie zaakReferentie tWSKeuzeVeld status Boolean indicatiePasseerZaak tWSKeuzeVeld soortTaak Date rappelDatum Date afhandelDatum End_Struct // tWSTaak

14 Quantaris B.V. Sequence of elements in WSDL not conform server Struct tWSAdres (as defined in WSDL) tWSStraatGesplitst gesplitst String postcode String plaats String samengesteld tWSKeuzeVeld land tWSKeuzeVeld soortAdres End_Struct // tWSAdres Struct tWSAdres (as returned by the server) tWSStraatGesplitst gesplitst tWSKeuzeVeld land String postcode tWSKeuzeVeld soortAdres String plaats String samengesteld End_Struct // tWSAdres

15 Quantaris B.V. The End Questions?

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