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VREG Beleidsplatform This document is intended for introductory discussion. Any use of the information contained herein for purposes other than those mentioned,

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Presentatie over: "VREG Beleidsplatform This document is intended for introductory discussion. Any use of the information contained herein for purposes other than those mentioned,"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 VREG Beleidsplatform This document is intended for introductory discussion. Any use of the information contained herein for purposes other than those mentioned, is prohibited. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. REstore 1, Glass Wharf Bristol BS2 0ZX United Kingdom REstore Flexpond UK Ltd. Arthur Matthyslaan 61 2140 Antwerp Belgium REstore NV/SA

2 2 Agenda 1Wat is “demand response” 2Wie is “REstore” 3Tertiaire reserve 2013 REstore - ELIA 4Voorwaarden tot succes

3 3 Bij vraagsturing (Demand Response / Effacement) wordt vermogenvraag in real-time gereduceerd, voor ‘balancing’ of ‘reserve’ doeleinden Strictly confidential Response time: 100% delivered in 2min20sec Curtailable reserve (R ref ): 4,64 MW curtailable power demand. “Hard commitment”

4 4 Marktstructuur Fully automated REstore managed from start to finish No human intervention required 10x MW demand response

5 5 Vraagsturing / demand response biedt belangrijke voordelen voor de maatschappij: lagere kost en minder CO2 GascentraleVraagsturing EUR/ MW/jaar Vraagsturing/aggregatie heeft significant lagere kosten Vraagsturing/aggregatie bespaart CO2 emissies > 100,000 < 35,000 GascentraleVraagsturing > 800 0 à 300 grCO2/ KWH

6 6 Agenda 1Wat is “demand response” 2Wie is “REstore” 3Tertiaire reserve 2013 REstore - ELIA 4Voorwaarden tot succes

7 7 REstore is een Demand Response aggregator WIEWAT  Nieuwe dienstverlener op de Europese energiemarkt (aggregator)  Opgericht in 2010 door Jan-Willem Rombouts en Pieter-Jan Mermans  Twee succesvolle kapitaalrondes; >4 M€ aan venture capital (om. LRM, AXE Investments / AckermansVanHaaren)  “Senior” Raad van Bestuur (R. Thomaes, P. Carpentier, W. Heyselberghs, S. Bijnens)  Actief in Benelux & UK  Verzamelt ongebruikte en afschakelbare elektrische capaciteit bij industriële en professionele klanten  Stelt deze gegroepeerde capaciteit voor aan energie marktspelers (Elia, EDF- Luminus, National Grid,...)  Beschikt over haar eigen technologie platform Flexpond TM

8 8 Agenda 1Wat is “demand response” 2Wie is “REstore” 3Tertiaire reserve 2013 REstore - ELIA 4Voorwaarden tot succes

9 9 Pilot project scope: 10 MW of interruptible load from industrial power consumers DR directionDemand curtailment. Term1/1/2013 – 31/12/2013 LoadsAll are DGO-connected # of sites aggregated15 Response time< 3 min Number of utilizations /year25 Max. utilisation time / activation120 min Cease time< 30 min Recovery period12 hrs # of ARPs involved4 # of DSOs involved3

10 10 Two deviations from ELIA-ARP contract, validated by all involved ARPs, due to DSO-connected load Settlement: how to meter demand from DGO- connected loads No “Nomination” available => no compensation of ARP perimeter REstore provides real-time metering signals at the level of the Aggregated Site to ELIA. One signal per 30 seconds shall be provided. Meters comply with the technical and accuracy specifications of DGO-approved AMR meters. Meters measure demand at the level of the EAN, or exceptionally in context of this pilot project, may be measuring the demand of the equipment which is contracted for demand curtailment. REstore provides to ARP in quasi real-time all relevant metering values whenever load from ARP perimeter is curtailed. No compensation of the ARP perimeter to correct for the interruption instruction, as no nomination data per EAN is available to ELIA for DSO connected loads. As a result, ARP will have an imbalance which is by default opposite to the overall system imbalance, hence will always receive the imbalance tariff as generation > demand. Validation for scope of pilot project with all involved ARPs

11 11 Two types of demand curtailment: “fixed Rref” - model (~ R3 production) versus the “ICH / SL” – model “Fixed R ref ”-model: R ref always 100% delivered “ICH / Shedding Limit” - model Fixed R ref Shedding Limit R ref not delivered. Variable “energy” delivery over the year. R ref 100% delivered & guaranteed - always Comparable to turbine – classic “R3 production” MW EU benchmark: 50Hertz, Tennet, National Grid,... !

12 12 Agenda 1Wat is “demand response” 2Wie is “REstore” 3Tertiaire reserve 2013 REstore - ELIA 4Voorwaarden tot succes

13 13 Demand Response: pathway to success Algemeen: Gelijkwaardige behandeling van demand response en centrales in de reserves; Bv. geen volumebeperkingen voor demand response Overleg & transparantie: Bv. Atrias kick-off Eenvoudige markttoegang (geen onnodige drempels): Bv. notificatie van, geen toelating door, BRPs Duidelijke en stabiele technische parameters (reactietijd, afschakeltijd, # afschakelingen per jaar, etc); Adequate financiële vergoeding teneinde deelname van aggregatoren en verbruikers te stimuleren; Specifiek ikv. R3 Dynamic Profile: Convergentie contract BSP-DSOs enkel mogelijk dmv. bilateraal overleg tussen Balancing Service Providers en DSOs Transparant & efficiënt pre-qualificatie proces noodzakelijk Investeringsonzekerheid wegnemen door disqualificatierecht af te bakenen

14 14 REstore NV/SA Arthur Matthyslaan 61 B-2140 Antwerp, Belgium Tel.: +32/3/320.80.39 Cell.: +32/479.94.72.36

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