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Invalshoeken op makersplaatsen

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Presentatie over: "Invalshoeken op makersplaatsen"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Invalshoeken op makersplaatsen
29 augustus 2013 Marjan Middelkoop Invalshoeken op makersplaatsen

2 Nieuwe rol bibliotheek
7 april 2017 Nieuwe rol bibliotheek Welke toegevoegde waarde heeft de bibliotheek in de lokale gemeenschap? ALA - ‘Confronting the future’, 2012 Fysiek vs. virtueel Individu vs. community Collection Library vs. Creation Library Portal vs. archief

3 7 april 2017 David Lankes Missie bibliothecaris: to improve society through facilitating knowledge creation within their communities. A librarian is a facilitator who works to access and develop community expertise. Belangrijke vragen die beantwoord moeten worden: Wat betekent verbeteren? Welke kennis zoekt de community? A community-centric view: dat wat past bij de kennisontwikkeling van de gemeenschap en de verbetering van de samenleving past bij de bibliotheek. De bibliothecaris moet zich druk maken om middelen, privacy, toegankelijkheid en ‘the common good’.

4 David Lankes (vervolg)
7 april 2017 David Lankes (vervolg) Bibliotheken moeten hun gemeenschap weerspiegelen en de uniciteit daarvan. Bibliotheken hoeven niet allemaal dezelfde missie, ideeën en aanpak te hebben! Vier de diversiteit van standpunten! De goede aanpak bestaat niet. Constanten in het beroep (het is niet zomaar een handel): leren en kennis!

5 7 april 2017 Makersplaats Hoeft niet gerund of betaald te worden door de bibliotheek. Je hoeft geen kenner te worden van 3D-printers etc. Zoek iemand uit je gemeenschap die hierbij kan helpen. 3D-printing of een werkplaats op kleine schaal past niet bij iedere gemeenschap en bibliotheek.

6 Nieuw onderwijsparadigma
7 april 2017 Nieuw onderwijsparadigma Gefragmenteerde en gestandaardiseerde leerstof centraal > interesse en talent sturen het leren. Veilig > spannend (vb. Edushock). Cognitieve fixatie? Verander de setting! Het creëren van eigenaarschap. 21st century skills.

7 Nieuw onderwijsparadigma / mentale modellen
7 april 2017 Nieuw onderwijsparadigma / mentale modellen Learn to do > do to learn. Je leert het meest van wat je zelf ervaren hebt en uitgelegd hebt aan anderen. Eerst motivatie en dan succes > eerst succes en dan motivatie.

8 7 april 2017 Sociale innovatie …refereert aan nieuwe strategieën, concepten, ideeën en organisaties die een oplossing trachten te bieden voor grote maatschappelijke uitdagingen - van werkgelegenheid en educatie tot zorg, maatschappelijke betrokkenheid en milieuproblemen.

9 Sociale innovatie Lerende houding van betrokkenen.
7 april 2017 Sociale innovatie Lerende houding van betrokkenen. Nieuwe vormen van eigenaarschap. Gebruik de creativiteit die in de samenleving aanwezig is; smart citizens. Nieuw model dat het potentieel van ons allen benut. Om maatschappelijke problemen van oplossingen te voorzien.

10 Remix – Lawrence Lessig
7 april 2017 Remix – Lawrence Lessig Remix culture is a society that allows and encourages derivative works by combining or editing existing materials to produce a new product. A remix culture would be, by default, permissive to efforts to improve upon, change, integrate, or otherwise remix the work of copyright holders. Progress and wealth creation of a culture is fundamentally tied to remixing. Read-Only Culture vs. Read/Write Culture.

11 The wealth of networks – Yochai Benkler
7 april 2017 The wealth of networks – Yochai Benkler He coined the term 'commons-based peer production' to describe collaborative efforts based on sharing information, such as free and open source software and Wikipedia. He also uses the term 'networked information economy' to describe a "system of production, distribution, and consumption of information goods characterized by decentralized individual action carried out through widely distributed, nonmarket means that do not depend on market strategies."

12 7 april 2017 Bezit delen

13 7 april 2017 Activisme: open data Contemporary art that is not designed to be copied is not contemporary! (Cory Doctorow). Mix, remix > vergt open data. Bibliotheken menen vaak alleen de toegankelijkheid te moeten bewaken. Eigentijdse instituten moeten ook verbeelding en hergebruik van informatie mogelijk maken. Access > imagination and plunder (in the public domain or creative commons). Right to use is often traded away for a discount in access.

14 Activisme rond privacy
7 april 2017 Activisme rond privacy Open Bibliotheken. Jeroen de Boer en Edwin Mijnsbergen.

15 7 april 2017

16 Library as an incubator
7 april 2017 Library as an incubator An incubator is a warm place that encourages things to come to life. Information is the seed from which one grows. Information informs our work. Interaction with other users and librarians cross-pollinates our ideas and passions. Plus it takes time for development to occur, and presumably/hopefully a library is ongoing and reliable.

17 7 april 2017 Climate Control Cultivating a space for creativity is about “climate control.” Given the right circumstances, opportunity, and attitude, creativity has a shot.

18 Voorbeelden makersplaatsen
7 april 2017 Voorbeelden makersplaatsen FabLab HackersLab Schrijverswerkplaats / zelf uitgeven Digitaliseringslab

19 Vormen makersplaatsen
7 april 2017 Vormen makersplaatsen Rond technologieën: Tech Lab, App Lab Medialab (vb. DOK geluidsstudio) Kunst Lab Productie van boeken Schrijfplaatsen Laboratorium voor sociale innovatie Lab rond handvaardigheidstechnieken (breimachines, 3D, ...)

20 Indeling van Travis Good
7 april 2017 Indeling van Travis Good Activity Ready: no serious tools, no commited space, single activity. Project Group Ready: idem, but recurring meeting: ex. sewing group, linux group. Temporary Tool Ready: pack-away tools, no commited space: electronic kits, sewing machine. Clean Tool Ready: committed clean tools in a commited space: 3D printers, laser cutters, etc. Dirty Tool Ready: committed dirty tools in a committed space: saws, large drills; ex. Allen County Public Library.

21 7 april 2017 Reanimation Library The Reanimation Library is a small, independent presence library open to the public. It is a collection of books that have fallen out of mainstream circulation and been acquired for their visual content. Outdated and discarded, they have been culled from thrift stores, stoop sales, and throw-away piles, and given new life as resource material for artists, writers, and other cultural archeologists.

22 7 april 2017 Reannimation library

23 7 april 2017 Prelinger Library

24 Radical Reference Site
7 april 2017 Radical Reference Site We designed this site to answer questions from activists and independent journalists on topics related to those activities. QUESTION: Socially-Motivated Photo-Illustrated Children's Books (50's, 60's, 70's, 80's). Submitted by Anonymooose on Thu, 07/11/ :53pmRadical progressive children's books (photo-illustrated) Question: I am searching for analyses of socially-motivated, politically-informed photo-illustrated children's books of mid to late 20th century. The genre appears to have peaked in the 1970's and then collapsed. I am writing a speculative article regarding this and would like to be, well, less speculative. Many Thanks

25 7 april 2017 The Peoples Library The People’s Library is the collective, public, open library of the Occupy Wall Street leaderless resistance movement. Located in the northeast corner of Liberty Plaza during the height of the occupation, the library provided free, open and unrestricted access to our collection of books, magazines, newspapers, ‘zines, pamphlets and other materials that had been donated, collected, gathered and discovered during the occupation. The facilities there and most of the collection were destroyed by the NYPD under the authority of Mayor Bloomberg in the November 15 raid on Liberty Plaza. Library 3.0, what we call our twice-resurrected book-sharing system, consists of a few mobile units – shopping carts, crates - used by librarians to ferry free books in and out of the OWS storage facility and to Liberty Plaza and actions around the city. The librarians see this as temporary, and are dedicated to finding a space to allow for greater access to the collection.

26 7 april 2017 MayDay Rooms is a safe house for vulnerable archives and historical material linked to social movements, experimental culture, and marginalised figures and groups. A site for gathering, holding, and animating documents and idioms of dissent which continue to offer a critically productive and emancipatory relation to the turbulent present. It is geographically located in Central London, but linked in collaboration, inspiration and practice with an international gathering of common and concurrent initiatives.

27 7 april 2017 Bron

28 Kortom Doelen: zich ontwikkelen; samenwerken; projecten ontwikkelen;
7 april 2017 Kortom Doelen: zich ontwikkelen; samenwerken; projecten ontwikkelen; duur gereedschap ter beschikking stellen; ontwikkeling burgerschap; mensen inspireren om de bibliotheek op nieuwe wijzen te gebruiken; transforming libraries.

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