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Doctoraal voorlichting 2002 Computer Architectuur & Parallelle Systemen groep Andy Pimentel.

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Presentatie over: "Doctoraal voorlichting 2002 Computer Architectuur & Parallelle Systemen groep Andy Pimentel."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Doctoraal voorlichting 2002 Computer Architectuur & Parallelle Systemen groep Andy Pimentel

2 Een globaal overzicht n Groepsleider: Prof. Dr L.O. Hertzberger n Het onderzoek concentreert zich op computer architectuur als integraal concept, wat inhoudt dat applicatie, compiler, OS en hardware in het geheel worden beschouwd n Op dit moment 5 onderzoeksthema’s o Computer architectuur modellering en simulatie o Grid computing o Federated databases o Traffic applications o Advanced Internet technology

3 Architectuur modellering en simulatie n Verantwoordelijk docent: dr. A.D. Pimentel ( n Het ontwerp van methoden en technieken voor computer architectuur simulatie o Enkele trefwoorden voor dit onderzoek: 4 Modellerings methodology 4 Abstractie niveau(s) 4 Experimentatie 4 Validatie 4 Mixed-level simulatie n Nauwe samenwerking met: Philips Research, Universiteit Leiden en TU Delft Later meer...

4 Grid Computing n Verantwoordelijk docent: dr. A. Belloum ( n Prestatie analyse tests op een Grid testbed, (grafische) user interfaces voor Grid gebruikers en de ontwikkeling van een collaboratief systeem voor grid-gebaseerde applicaties o Enkele trefwoorden voor dit onderzoek: 4 Grid technology 4 Human-computer interaction 4 Scheduling voor Grid systemen 4 Collaboratieve systemen n Samenwerking met: Nikhef, SARA, Amolf n URL:

5 Federated databases n Verantwoordelijk docent: dr. H. Afsarmanesh ( n Ontwerp en ontwikkeling van software architecturen die “inter-operability” en integratie van cooperatieve informatie systemen ondersteunen o Enkele trefwoorden voor dit onderzoek: 4 Interoperable en cooperatieve informatie systemen 4 Informatie en service brokerage 4 Integratie van bestaande multi-databases 4 High-performance webserver / database integratie n Samenwerking met: o.a. AMC,Unilever, Nikhef n URL:

6 Traffic applications n Verantwoordelijk docent: drs. A. Visser ( n Onderzoek naar onderwerpen gerelateerd aan mobiliteit: de operationele architectuur van de mobiele robot MARIE, modellering en analyse van sensor systemen langs wegen o Enkele trefwoorden voor dit onderzoek: 4 Toegepast onderzoek 4 Mobiliteit 4 Embodied computer systemen n URL: +

7 Advanced Internet Technology n Verantwoordelijk docent: dr. C. de Laat ( n Onderzoek naar het Next Generation Internet en grid-enabling technologie o Enkele trefwoorden voor dit onderzoek: 4 Optische netwerken voor Grid applicaties 4 Autenticatie, autorisatie en accounting (AAA) modellering 4 Intelligente netwerk devices 4 Optimalisatie, meten, monitoren, geavanceerde protocol stacks (voor high-bandwidth connecties over lange afstanden) n URL:

8 Een greep uit de beschikbare afstudeer projecten n Traffic simulation of vehicles with a shape n Reserveringsrijden: het beter benutten van de weg door het reserveren van ruimte n Stream data prefetching for (multimedia) processors n Validation of abstract architecture models of embedded media systems n Integrating the SimpleScalar simulator into Sesame n Predicting the impact of large public events on congestion n Optical networking for Grid applications

9 Vakkenpakket n Verplicht o Advanced Computer Architecture (7 ptn, 10 ECTS) 4 voorheen Architectuur-compiler interactie o Embedded Systems (7 ptn, 10 ECTS) n Verplicht 7 ptn uit volgende vakken o Ontwerp en organisatie van autonome systemen (7 ptn, 10 ECTS) o Parallel wetenschappelijk rekenen en simulatie (7 ptn, 10 ECTS) o Databases en webgebaseerde toepassingen (7 ptn, 10 ECTS) n Aangeraden o O.a. Computernetwerken en gespreide systemen (beide VU)

10 Perspectieven n IT industrie o b.v. KPN, ACE, Philips, CMG, OCE, Ericson, Getronics, etc. n Onderzoeksinstituten o zoals NLR en TNO n Banken n Freelance, eigen bedrijf n Onderwijs, Universiteiten, Overheid

11 A bit more on research in my group (computer architecture modeling and simulation)

12 Trends in embedded system design n Observations o Modern embedded systems for media and signal processing must support multiple applications and various standards for which they often should provide real-time performance o These systems increasingly have heterogeneous system architectures, integrating 4 dedicated hardware 4 embedded processor cores 4 reconfigurable components (e.g. FPGAs) o Increasing silicon budgets 4 Integration of functions: Systems on Chip Complexity of system design is increasing

13 “Jumping down” the design pyramid Abstraction High Low High Effort Alternative realizations Low 10000 lines Mins/ hours 10000+ lines Hours/ days Specification Back-of-the-envelope calculations Abstract executable models Cycle-true simulation models Synthesizable RTL models

14 Explore Design by stepwise refinement Abstraction High Low High Effort Alternative realizations Low 1000 lines Secs/ minutes 10000 lines Mins/ hours 10000+ lines Hours/ days Specification Back-of-the-envelope calculations Abstract executable models Cycle-true simulation models Synthesizable RTL models

15 The Artemis architecture simulation environment n Performance evaluation of instantiations of embedded systems architectures o Including different 4 application-architecture mappings: which component does what? 4 HW/SW partitionings: which application task(s) is/are performed in SW and which one(s) in HW? o At multiple levels of abstraction o For a broad range of multi-media applications n We target the early design stages o Quick and flexible model construction 4 Easy re-use of models and model components (e.g., library approach) o Fast simulations (large design space)

16 Y-chart Based Methodology Mapping Performance Numbers Performance Analysis Architecture Applications Use separate models for application and architecture behavior

17 Modeling and simulation methodology n Application model o Description of functional behavior of application o Independent from architecture, HW/SW partitioning and timing characteristics o Generates application events representing the workload imposed on the architecture n Architecture model o Parameterized timing behaviour of architecture components o Models timing consequences of application events Application model Architecture model Traces of application events n Explicit mapping of application and architecture models o Trace-driven co-simulation o Easy reuse of both application and architecture models!

18 Application modeling n Applying the Kahn process networks model of computation o Parallel processes communicating with each other via unbounded FIFO channels 4 expresses parallelism in an application and makes communication explicit n Generation of application events: o Code is instrumented with annotations describing computational actions o Reading from/writing to Kahn channels represent communication behavior o Application events can be very coarse grain 4 like “compute a matrix multiplication” or ”read/write a pixel block”

19 Mapping the application model n Event queues are used for mapping the appl. event traces o Mapping two or more event queues to one architecture component is possible: events are scheduled Kahn process Proc. core Proc. core Bus FIFO buffer Channel Application model Architecture model Event queue n Kahn channels are mapped to communication components at architecture level

20 Architecture modeling n Construct architecture models from generic building blocks (library approach) o Library contains performance models for common architecture components 4 processing cores, communication media (like buses), memories, etc. o Accounting for functional behavior not necessary! n Architecture modeling starts at “black-box”level o Processing cores can model timing behavior of SW, HW or reconfigurable execution 4 parameterizable latencies for the application events 4 SW execution: high latency, HW execution: low latency o Allows for rapidly evaluating different HW/SW partitionings!

21 Tot slot... n Http:// (groeps info) n Http:// (afstudeer info) n Http:// (computer arch. simulatie) n Http:// (Artemis project homepage) n Email (of de desbetreffende docent) voor verdere informatie

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