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URD Delta Oost Prof. Dr. Toine Smits Prof. Dr. Erwin van der Krabben

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Presentatie over: "URD Delta Oost Prof. Dr. Toine Smits Prof. Dr. Erwin van der Krabben"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 URD Delta Oost Prof. Dr. Toine Smits Prof. Dr. Erwin van der Krabben
Drs. Edwin van Uum

2 Alleen natte en groene opgaven?
Perspectief Alleen natte en groene opgaven?

3 Perspectief: nat en droog
… èn mobiliteit en het stedelijk gebied

4 URD Delta Oost Doel, proces, organisatie Drs. Edwin van Uum

5 Doelen Duurzame ontwikkeling èn governance regio Arnhem Nijmegen:
Multi-level governance strategie Effectief besluitvormingsproces Inzet van nieuwe instrumenten Financierbaarheid en nieuwe verdienmodellen

6 Resultaten Praktijk: praktijkspoor
Coalitievorming van publieke en private partijen Effectieve sturingsarrangementen; regie Innovatief investeren; overheid en markt Praktijkexperimenten: ècht doen, uitproberen… Wetenschap: onderzoeksspoor Governance (sturing & besluitvorming) Financing (verdienmodellen, diensten) GIDS; Interdisciplinair onderzoek

7 “Integratietafel”

8 Het ‘natte’ domein Het ‘droge’ domein

9 Werkwijze

10 Organisatie ‘Integratietafel’ Governance (‘nat en droog’)
Droog: vz. Jaap Modder (Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen) Nat: Co Verdaas (Provincie Gelderland) Kerngroep URD Delta Oost incl. co-financiers en WUR (GIDS) Werkteam nat: Radboud/DSMR & NC Advies Toine Smits & Erik Opdam (e.a.) Werkteam droog: Radboud/IMR & Het Noordzuiden Erwin vd Krabben & Edwin van Uum (e.a.)

11 Ontwikkelingsopgaven water en ruimte Prof. Dr. Toine Smits
Het ‘natte’ domein Ontwikkelingsopgaven water en ruimte Prof. Dr. Toine Smits


13 “Wicked” problems Sand excavation Nijmegen
LowerRhine IJssel Waal Rhine Sand excavation Nijmegen Main transport route; ships/y -150 mil ton cargo/y As indicated by the upper left picture Nijmegen is situated at the riverbank of the Waal river. xx km downstream of the German border the Rhine river branches into the river Ijssel, the Lower Rhine and the Waal river. The areal photograph in the center of the slide gives an overview of the Waal river. The Waal river is the main shipping route between the harbor of Rotterdam and the largest European inland harbor Duisburg-Essen. Nearly ships pass Nijmegen annually which is an equivalent of 150 million ton of cargo. This explains why the Waal is also referred to as the “economic artery” of Northwestern Europe. Apart from shipping and the shipping related industrial areas there are other important economic drivers present in this fluvial landscape. These are sand excavation, flood proof housing, agriculture and tourism. Also in the context of the European Natura2000 and the WaterFramework Directive this river plays an important role. It is obvious that this fluvial landscape is under pressure. There are many competing land use claims. Moreover, the people that live and work here have to deal with the effects of climate change. Extreme high and low water discharges of the river and the so-called over-heated cities during summer periods are examples of these effects. Opening Stadswaard Nature, recreation & agriculture “Flood proof” housing

14 Doelen (nat) Praktisch Wetenschappelijk
Faciliteren duurzame ontwikkeling stedelijk gebied in de delta. Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development Uitwerking voor het “Uiterwaardenbeheer” (governance/financing) Uitwerking voor infra Stadsregio Arnhem-Nijmegen” (governance/financing) Wetenschappelijk Governance (aansturing & besluitvorming) Financing (ecosysteem diensten) Mechanismen van co-creatie in DO Interdisciplinair onderzoek

15 Eindresultaat URD Oost (nat)
5-jarige pilot met nieuwe beheerseenheid Waalweelde Ontwikkeling en gebruik sturingsinstrument voor exploitatie beheer –en onderhoud (dash board) Wetenschappelijke publicaties in de domeinen van “governance” , “financing” en GIDS ½ proefschrift “Framing & Gaming”, Artikelen; “Decentralised energy landscapes Netherlands-Germany”; “Co-creating sustainable development”;GIDS

16 Innovaties (nat) Nieuwe aansturing van het rivier/uiterwaarden beheer Gebaseerd op kosten én baten (nieuw exploitatie model) Betere balans tussen natuur & veiligheid Gebruik van ecosysteem diensten om beheer en onderhoud kosten rivier beheer te verminderen. Biomassa (zuiveringslib, snoeihout, maaisel) Ecotoerisme Visvriendelijke hydropower Daarnaast; samenwerking droog & nat wetenschappelijk & praktisch

17 Partners (nat) Stuurgroep WaalWeelde Provincie Gelderland ELI I&M SBB
DLG 15 gemeenten (Lobith-Gorinchem) Spiegelgroep (burger initiatief)

18 Planning URD Oost (nat)
2010 gestart met WaalWeelde Duurzaam traject Framework for sustainable development; leerervaring met “communities of ownership” September - December 2011 Werkconferentie Uiterwaardenbeheer (Framing & Gaming) Gesprekken met volksvertegenwoordigers Oprichting Taakgroep Uiterwaardenbeheer Desk study aanwending biomassa voor “groen gas”

19 Planning URD Oost (nat)
2012 (1e semester) Data verzameling voor “dash board” en “serious gaming” t.b.v. nieuwe beheerseenheid uiterwaarden. Eerste publicatie(s) “Framing & gaming”; “Co-creation” Bestuurlijke verkenning haalbaarheid “Beheerseenheid uiterwaarden”) 2012 (2e semester) Bouwen “serious game” 2012 Testen nieuw governance & financieringsmodel. Bijsturen

20 Planning URD Oost (nat)
2013 (1e semester) Twee-daagse “URD Delta Oost” werkconferentie in de stadsregio Voorbereiding overeenkomst pilot “uiterwaardenbeheer” 2013 (2e semester) Ondertekening overeenkomst pilot “uiterwaardenbeheer” Publicaties governance & financing, besluitvorming (“Framing & Gaming”), Decentralised Energy Landscapes; Framework for Sustainable Development Accountants controle URD Delta oost

21 Het ‘droge’ domein Bereikbaarheid en gebiedsontwikkeling
Prof. Dr. Erwin van der Krabben


23 Eindresultaat URD Oost (droog)
Vernieuwende governance en verdienmodellen voor duurzame mobiliteits- en gebiedsinvesteringen Praktijkexperimenten, met concrete vervolgstappen in besluitvorming en investeringen Wetenschappelijke publicaties in de domeinen van “governance” , “financing” en System Dynamics / serious gaming

24 Ontwikkelingsopgaven (droog)
Knooppunten: herontwikkeling stationsgebieden Beheer en exploitatie openbaar vervoer Multi-level governance vraagstukken: afstemming overheidstaken integrale gebiedsontwikkeling

25 Voorbeeld: Zevenaar-Oost

26 Zevenaar-Oost: nieuw station

27 Zevenaar-Oost: programma

28 Zevenaar-Oost: heroriëntatie

29 Zevenaar-Oost: herstructureren

30 Innovaties (1): uitvoerbaarheid ‘transit oriented development’
Stedelijke herverkaveling Tax Increment Financing Nieuwe private partijen in gebiedsontwikkeling Gebiedsontwikkelingsfondsen Erfpacht

31 Innovaties (2): Beheer en exploitatie openbaar vervoer
Publieke taken en bevoegdheden beheer en exploitatie overhevelen naar private partijen Private financiering mobiliteitsprojecten

32 Innovaties (3): Integrale gebiedsontwikkeling
Afstemming / overhevelen taken publiek naar publiek c.q. publiek naar privaat Herstructureringsfonds Regionaal / provinciaal grondbedrijf

33 Partners (droog) Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen
Gemeenten, Bestuurlijke Regiegroep Knooppunten NS Prorail RWS Regionale vervoerders (Hermes, Syntus,…) Ontwikkelaars en beleggers (TCN, KWP,…) Grote bedrijven (Akzo, Tennet, Kema, Philips,…) Instellingen (HAN, ROC, Radboud,…)

34 Planning URD Oost (droog)
Globale planning: Selectie projecten in nauwe afstemming met Stadsregio (oktober 2011–februari 2012) Coalitievorming partijen overheid, vervoerders, markt, bedrijven (oktober 2011-januari 2012) Feitelijke start onderzoek: 1 januari 2012

35 Planning URD Oost (droog)
Globale planning: 2012: Aanpak concrete praktijkcases per CoP Van coalitievorming naar concreet PPS-arrangement Onderzoek; serious gaming; externe communicatie 2013: Intentieverklaring/SOK samenwerking praktijkexperiment Werkconferentie in de regio Artikelen, symposium; externe communicatie


37 Cyclic Rejuvenation of floodplains finding a balance between safety and biodiversity
Highway A50 Hydraulic resistance caused by forest Nijmegen Another successful example is the developing of a so-called of Cyclic Rejuvenation management strategy that will solve future Nature-Safety dilemma’s in floodplains. It is important to note this management strategy is generic and thus can be applied everywhere along the river section.

38 Climate mitigation measures (Nijmegen); Biogas production
Biogas production from the sludge of communal sewage treatment plants & vegetation maintenance

39 Costs: 330mill. Euro Nijmegen “embraces” the river….
City center (future) River boulevard City center (present) River boulevard Costs: 330mill. Euro At the moment the national aurthorities decided for a dike relocation, Nijmegen was strongly involved in expanding the residential area at the opposite river bank of the Waal river. Project developers were on the verge of starting with the construction works. You can imagine that the top-down decision of the national government to relocate the dike did not get a warm welcome. From 1995 till 2008 a complicated and persistent battle between national government, the city of Nijmegen and involved stakeholders determined the political scenery. However, in the end all parties could agree on a spectacular outcome that can be seen as a showcase for climate adaptation. As you can see in this simulation the dike will be relocated considerably. In this way creating sufficient room for the river to cope with future floods. This plan completely changes the river landscape because it will also give birth to a city isle. These developments triggered a new view on spatial planning and land use in the fluvial landscape. Since medieval times Nijmegen was turning its back towards the river. Now it is embracing the river. A new planning philosophy that attracts investors and generates all kinds of land use innovations.

40 Overview sustainability principles, visions, frameworks and tools over the last 50 years
Integrated Visionary Actionable Selective

41 Regional administration Community facilitators
Co-creation; investing in the interface “bottom-up” and “top-down” Regional administration National European This slide gives a schematic overview of how this project is organised. At the bottom of this slide the concerned Rhine-Waal river section is depicted. The numbered red circles indicate so-called Communities of Ownerships. Recently a new community near the German border has been added so we have now 9 communities. Each community comprises a number of land use plans which are financially, geophysical or hydrological interrelated. In each community the four layers of society are represented. All communities will go through a learning and awareness process geared at the shared language of sustainable development. This is coordinated by 1-2 facilitators for each community. Moreover, these facilitators give access to knowledge and tools that may be relevant for the functioning of the communities. An overarching “development group” is responsible for the integration of the various land use plans at the entire Rhine-Waal river section. This “development group” also forms the interface between the local communities and the governmental organisations at the regional, national and European level. In this way the coherence and effectiveness of the various climate mitigation and adaptation measures is ensured. Development group Community facilitators

42 4 sustainability principles
Conditions to open the route towards sustainable development.. In a sustainable society, policies and economies are geared towards a systematically decrease of... C1 ...concentrations of substances extracted from the Earth’s crust, C2 ...production of persistent compounds , C3...degradation of the ecosystem, and, in that society... C4...people are not subject to conditions that systematically undermine their capacity to meet their needs.

43 A,B,C,D steps A,B,C,D, approach.. -Is it in the right direction?
Awareness Creative Solutions Future Decide on Priorities Baseline Present -Is it in the right direction? -Is it a flexible platform? -Is it a good return on investment?

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