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Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 1 KDC Onderzoeksprogramma: ‘Human factors in future ATM’ 26 juni 2009 Project Improvement Selection Jeano de Bock, LVNL.

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Presentatie over: "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 1 KDC Onderzoeksprogramma: ‘Human factors in future ATM’ 26 juni 2009 Project Improvement Selection Jeano de Bock, LVNL."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 1 KDC Onderzoeksprogramma: ‘Human factors in future ATM’ 26 juni 2009 Project Improvement Selection Jeano de Bock, LVNL

2 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 2Framework Luchtvaartsector (airlines, airports) Europa (SESAR/FABEC) new technologies operational concepts coordination aviation chain competences selection training shared mental models cognitive flexibility organizational models Scenarios Future work

3 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 3Inhoud Aanleiding Structuur LVNL selectie Room for improvement Literatuur

4 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 4 Aanleiding Initiële selectie: ±1200  2 x 18 Doorgangsselectie: ±50% (I/II)  UT Uiteindelijk ± 8 VKL’s (substantiële uitval gedurende opleidingstraject) Persoonlijkheidstesten  beperkingen ‘Meten we wat we willen meten’? Hoe kan selectietraject (nog) beter worden dmv bepalen opleidbaarheid en benodigde persoonlijke eigenschappen?

5 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 5 III Entree selectie Doorgangs- selectie ATIT Werving Selectie Structuur LVNL-selectie

6 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 6 Selectietraject LVNL Intelligentietesten (pc) Persoonlijkheidsvragenlijsten (pc) Interview Assessment Grading Eng. (  ) Med. ------- AAPRO Ruimtelijk inzicht (I) Snel en nauwkeurig handelen (I) Cijfermatig inzicht (I) Communicatieve vaardigheden (iv) Doorzettingsvermogen (Iv) Omgaan met stress (Iv) Groepsopdrachten (A) Individuele opdrachten (A)

7 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 7 Persoonlijkheidtests in ATC-selectie High score on: Dominance & Self appraisal Medium score on: Rigidity Conscientiousness Extraversion Altruism Achievement motivation Low score on: Social inadequacy Neuroticism Fair of failure Ideaal VKL Profiel

8 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 8 Persoonlijkheidtests in ATC-selectie Methodologische tekortkomingen: Niet betrouwbaarheid (Sociaal wenselijk/manipulatief) Subjectiviteit van criteria (niet altijd accuraat) Relatie: voorspellers criteria vaak niet lineair (niet stabiel in tijd)

9 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 9 Gewenste situatie Model/methode die wel voldoet aan: Betrouwbaarheid Objectief Stabiel in tijd (Breed toepasbaar)

10 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 10 Room for Improvement Onderzoek richt zich op: Temperament Intuïtie Strategisch  Tactisch Open Systeem Adaptation model (Hettema, 1984, 1993) Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT, Strelau, 1998) Invlechten in selectietraject

11 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 11 Literatuur Temperament refers to basic, relatively stable personality traits which have been present since early childhood (see Strelau, 1998a, 1998b). Temperament traits are the result of a given interaction among a variety of internal mechanisms; they have a specific status expressed in the tendency to behave (react) in a given way (Strelau, 1998a).

12 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 12 Literatuur According to Nebylitsyn (1972) and Strelau (1983) the functional significance of temperament is evident when individuals are confronted with extreme situations or demands.

13 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 13 Literatuur In arousal oriented theories of temperament (which refer to concepts of optimal levels of arousal or stimulation), temperamental characteristics are regarded as moderators in experiencing the state of stress under extreme levels of stimulation, as exemplified in the domain of extraversion (Eysenck,1970, 1985), sensation seeking (Zuckerman (1979, 1994) or harm avoidance (Cloniger, 1986).

14 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 14 Literatuur The structure of temperament as postulated by Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT, Strelau, 1998) comprises six traits that refer to the formal characteristics of behaviour: ‘emotional reactivity’ ‘activity’ ‘briskness’ ‘perseveration’ ‘sensory sensivity’ ‘endurance’.

15 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 15 Verschil in ‘veerkracht’ strategisch tactisch Planmatig, routine, regels Tactisch, intuïtief, temperament Prototypische taaksituatie Non nominal (extreme) situatie Nominale situatie Vigilantie Chaos Control

16 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 16 Onderzoeksopzet (i.o.) Gedrag verklaarbaar obv planmatig handelen (strategisch gedrag)? Gedrag verklaarbaar obv Intuïtief handelen (tactisch gedrag)? Sy1 Ry Sy2 Fase 1: SRS-vragenlijst (i.c.m. RTT) ‘prototypische situaties’ Fase 2: Registratie van biometrische gegevens  correleren met intuïtieve systeem (Hettema) ‘Tactische subsystemen in relatie tot RTT’ Indien onvoldoende:

17 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 17 Recent artikel Electro cortical activity can predict pianist’s proficiency Malcolm Mills (2008, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, AUSTRALIA)

18 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 18 Bedankt voor uw aandacht Vragen?

19 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 19 Personality tests in DATCOSS NPV, NEO-PI, PMT Self descriptive questionnaires Not ATC specific

20 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 20 Electro cortical activity can predict pianist’s proficiency Malcolm Mills (2008, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, AUSTRALIA) Electro-cortical changes associated with learning and performing were investigated in eighteen pianists over three closely-spaced performances of sight reading a novel music score. Six musical criteria were assessed: right hand errors, left hand errors, rhythmic errors, speed accuracy, fluency, and musical expression. These skills correlated specifically to electrical rhythms of 8.5-10.5 cycles per second near the sensory-motor cortex and the supplementary area. The correlations progressively reduced with each performance as it improved and learning occurred. Further, these electro- cortical potentials can predict the quality of performer and performance at the same or later occasion based on the same or different skill. Understanding this physiology will help to improve the rate, and success, of learning or detect loss of performance-related attention long before sleep onset measures indicate the persistence of loss of vehicle control from exhaustion or drug action. This knowledge can be used in electromechanical coupling allowing direct brain control of devices.

21 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 21

22 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 22 Toevoeging op huidige situatie Intelligence Rules Automation Cognitive Control (current situation: -Training -Selection -Task performance) Planmatig handelen Strategisch gedrag Automation Emotional control ‘Out of control situatie’ (Negative) emotions  impact on task situation Intuïtief handelen Tactisch gedrag

23 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 23 SrS-benadering SY1SY1 SY2SY2 RYRY Planmatig handelen (strategisch gedrag) Uitgangspunt: Maakbaarheid van mens Intuïtief handelen (tactisch gedrag) Uitgangspunt: Temperament, Intuitie, Emotie

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