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EUCPN Conference Amsterdam 13 april 2016.  Illegal firearms  The approach of the Dutch National Police  Paul P.J.M. Martens MPA  Commissaris van politie.

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Presentatie over: "EUCPN Conference Amsterdam 13 april 2016.  Illegal firearms  The approach of the Dutch National Police  Paul P.J.M. Martens MPA  Commissaris van politie."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 EUCPN Conference Amsterdam 13 april 2016

2  Illegal firearms  The approach of the Dutch National Police  Paul P.J.M. Martens MPA  Commissaris van politie  National Taskforce illegal firearms Dutch Police

3 Paul Martens  1973 Police Academy  1977 Municipal Police Amsterdam  2001 Chief of police in the city of Breda  2015 Projectleader  National Taskforce illegal firearms  Organisation development  Gold commander

4 The Dutch National Policeforce 10 regional operational units 1 national operational unit 1 national unit business operations Tien regionale eenheden 1Noord-Nederland 2Oost-Nederland 3Midden-Nederland 4Noord-Holland 5Amsterdam 6Den Haag 7Rotterdam 8Zeeland-West-Brabant 9Oost-Brabant 10Limburg 11Landelijke Eenheid 12Eenheid bedrijfsvoering (Politiedienstencentrum)

5 Dutch National Police  Established 1 januari 2013  Reasons  Efficiency & effectivity  Cut down expenses  Change of steering and control

6 Steering Dutch Police  Mayor:  Responsable for the public order  Public prosecutor:  Responsable for criminal investigations  Two captains on a ship ?

7 Increase of liquidations 15 great investigations

8 Risk for innocent inhabitants In the middle of the day in the public domain Bla bla bla Bullitholes in a day care centre after liquidation

9 Urgency  Increasing of the impact and seriousness of shootings  for police officers  for innocent civilians  Increasing terrorism attacks in Europe and the use of automatic weapons

10 National Taskforce Illegal Firearms  National project leader  Position: direct Under the National Police chief  No mandate to decide, unconditionally support from the Chief of Police  Fighting against illegal firearms has to get more priority

11 Create a change of awareness  Police  Weapon is second priority  Reactive investigations  KMAR / Customs: no priority  Justice department  Penalties

12 Create a change of awareness No Weapon No Crime

13  England: In 5 years 50% less incidents  1. Prioritized working method  2. Forensic “car-wash”  3. Solid and reliable information position and intelligence  4. High penalties  5. Personal approach for convicts

14 National Taskforce Illegal Firearms  Projectleader  Chief of the Information Unit Amsterdam  Chief of the forensic police unit Den Haag  Chief of the Organized Crime Unit Noord Holland  National Public Prosecutor  Liaison Dutch Customs  Liaison national information organiation police  Liaison NCTV  National Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid  Liaison Ministery of Justice  Liaison Dutch Police EU/Brussel

15 National Taskforce Illegal Firearms 10 x information 10 x forensics 10 x investigations

16  Information  Acces on a national level for the National Information Unit to all actual investigations  Create more usable criminal information  Create a uniform working system for all police units concerning:  Handling of criminal information and intelligence  Tracks, DNA characteristics of illegal firearms (TRIS)  Strengthen the information exchange with Europol

17  Investigations  Monitoring progress; Immediate intervention if possible  Exchange of best practices on a national level  Coördination of Investigations on a national level  Forensics  Create a forensic “carwash”  Implementation of a new registrationsystem for all the tracks, dna and chracteristics found on a weapon

18  Judicial aspects  Temporary custody and leading the suspect for a magistrate.  Hogere strafmaat  PGA  Police student writes a thesis (Liverpool)

19 Enforcement and prevention  No prevention without enforcement  Barrièremodel  Personal restrained approach

20 Questions or remarks? BARRIÈREMODEL  ontwikkelen barrièremodel;  oriëntatie op PGA-model. IMPLEMENTATIE BIJ POLITIE  hoofden Operatiën, TAO en PIO- lijn.

21 International aspects -Slowaakse wapenlijn -Darkweb -Verzending via pakketpost -Handel via de Balkanroute EUROPESE REGELGEVING EN SAMENWERKING  sturing op strengere en beter op elkaar afgestemde vuurwapenwetgeving;  versterken Europese netwerken en samenwerking.

22 EUROPESE REGELGEVING EN SAMENWERKING  sturing op strengere en beter op elkaar afgestemde vuurwapenwetgeving;  versterken Europese netwerken en samenwerking.

23  Conversion


25 tekst National Taskforce Illegal Firearms 10 x information Natioal public proscecutor Liaison Customs 10 x forensics 10 x investigations

26 MODUS OPERANDI WAPENS BESTELLEN? internet / darknet webwinkels uit de VS Levertijd: ca. 6 weken

27 HOE SCHERP ZIJN WE ?  vuurwapen is bijvangst;  zelden doorrechercheren;  niet goed doorvragen bij verhoor;  wel interventie na tip (TCI / MMA);  informatief zitten nog wapens ‘verstopt’;  vullen informatiesysteem niet zorgvuldig;  ook bij KMar en Douane geen prioriteit.

28 MODUS OPERANDI HERKOMST WAPENS: Veel uit Slowakije. Maar ook: voormalig Joegoslavië; België en Duitsland.

29 MODUS OPERANDI TRANSPORT: in de kofferbak en bestelbusjes; zo’n 50-100 wapens per zending; ook slimme invoer in delen! Wapens zijn eenvoudig te reactiveren!

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