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Pakketgebruik Winston Evans.

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Presentatie over: "Pakketgebruik Winston Evans."— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Pakketgebruik Winston Evans

2 Agenda Vragen vorige week??? Lijst leveranciers
User-friendly: Wat betekent user interaction? Service Level Agreement Groepsindeling Creating the request for information (RFI)

3 Requirements & Vendor Information
Software needs to be user friendly. Support needs to be available. When is your company founded? How many employees does your company currently have? What are the core activities of your company? How is your support organized in our country? Do you have a helpdesk, and what are their opening hours, and what is their response time?

4 Vendor information What are the platforms your product supports (OS)?
What hardware architecture is needed for your product? What infrastructure is needed for your product (please answer for LAN and WAN)?

5 Vendor Information Do you use third party products in your information system? If so, please specify which and version number. Are they included in your pricing?

6 Lijst leveranciers look first of all to what my competitors are using
scan the internet for the latest developments. just ask for the market leaders

7 User interaction steps for a typical user interaction with a generic interactive system

8 User interaction Punten uitleggen
First, the user forms a conceptual intention from her/his goal (for example, a user wants to access a particular project in the repository accessed from the Web site in Figure 2). Second, s/he tries to adapt this intention to the commands provided by the system (in our trivial example, an initial exploration of the Web page is needed to figure out how to realize the intention) and from these (user-perceived) commands carries out the action (for example, the user tries to type some information into the search text field, then hits the "search" button beside it). Then, the user attempts to understand the outcomes of her/his actions (in our example, by examining the page obtained after the "search" button is pressed). This is particularly important for computer systems, where the inner workings are hidden and users have to figure out the internal state only from few hints

9 User interaction Mismatch between user and system models
The gulf of execution The gulf of evaluation Response time Short-term memory (STM) Control and Automation

10 User Interaction General Principles Know your user
Minimizing the load on users Preserving consistencies Ensuring overall flexibility, error recovery, and customization.

11 User Interaction Zie volgende URL

12 Service Level agreement
A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and a service receiver

13 Service Level agreement
SLA consists of: The contract usually describes the services that will be provided, the quality or level of the services, and the responsibilities of both the service requestor and the service provider

14 Request for Information (RFI)
The vendors on the long list should provide you information to let you judge them against your selection criteria the first round in the selection process for buying software you cannot go too much in depth at this stage

15 Request for Information (RFI)
RFI Contains the following items: The Invitation The Information Sheet The Questionnaire

16 Request for Information (RFI)
The Invitation The Invitation is actually just the accompanying letter. You explain why you send the RFI (request for information) and that you want answers and brochures back

17 Request for Information (RFI)
Make sure you cover at least the following aspects: Who are you? From what company? What does your company do? What is your function within your company? What kind of system are you looking for? Describe the process: now Request for Information (RFI), then evaluation, followed by short list with Request for Proposal. Provide the timelines of the selection process Explain the Information Package and the Questionnaire When should answers be back? By who? Where? How? Who’s the contact for more information? Thanks for the corporation.

18 Request for Information (RFI)
See “Creating the request for information” Dear Sir, WinDings Ltd. is an independent business unit of Acme Corporation, a leading maker of little things in Europe. WinDings makes products like nose flutes, feet whistles and the famous Non Static Doormat

19 Request for information (RFI)
Purchasing software You can provide some kind of summary of your information hunt, A general answer to the “why you need a new system” question An overview of the organization of concern An overview of the global target process A description of the technological environment

20 Request for information (RFI)
See Request for Information for purchasing software Current issue The current information systems at WinDings Ltd. are at the end of their technological life cycle. It’s getting more and more difficult to apply changes to the old systems to keep up with today’s business needs. …..

21 Exercise Write RFI

22 Software selection process

23 Selection Process Bepalen uitgangspunten:
Waarom nieuwe pakket/software? Wat is de rol van dit pakket in het verbeterproject? Wat zijn de basis criteria’s

24 Software selection process
Scanaanbod pakketen Het vastellen van de longlist Toepassing van het pakket in de branche Kosten ICT-aspecten zoals platform en de database Concepten zoals RFI, Information sheet en Questionaire

25 Software selection process
RFI: Proces voor het vinden van de short list Invitation Information sheet Vragenlijst

26 Extra info Casus Havo opleiding Budget
Computer ruimte met 30 computers Windows NT sp 4 512 MB RAM Microsoft Office 2003 Budget Max $ 1500

27 Information sheet Bedrijf heeft informatie van je nodig
Beschrijf je in het kort de huidige situatie met daarbij de wat op dit moment een probleem is. Beschrijf in het kort wat voor soort software/applicatie je zoekt. Wat voor systemen er zijn.

28 Vragen lijst Zie blz 15 t/m18

29 Opdracht Maak een Information sheet Stel op een vragen lijst
Neem contact met mogelijk software leveranciers.

30 Shortlist Evaluatie antwoorden Bepaal de max 5 belangrijke criteria’s
Geef prioriteit Zet op Matrix

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