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MFS II Subsidie aanvraag ICCO Alliantie

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1 MFS II Subsidie aanvraag 2011-2015 ICCO Alliantie
Impulsis Themamiddag “Geld” 22 oktober 2010

2 MFS II kaders Nieuwe koers Koenders : OS 2.0
Staat is belangrijk; civil society is een kanaal Overkoepelende strategie: versterking MMV Duurzaamheid Logica: doelen – middelen – resultaten output niveau : resultaat bij zuidelijke partners outcome niveau : resultaat bij doelgroep Context analyse is belangrijk Harmonisatie & Complementariteit We are in turbulent times – in the world with financial crisis, food crisis, climate crisis etc – but also with a crisis in the development sector: 1.1. Debate in NL on relevance of development aid is ongoing; development aid is in a serious credibility crisis. New impuls in the debate is the report of the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) : “Less Pretension – More ambition; Development Aid that makes a Difference” . Report is in Ducth but ICCO has made an English summary; 1.2. Conclusion from food-economic-financial-environmental-security crisis: we live in a globalized and interdependent world. No longer possible to separate: economy - people - poverty - environment Awareness is growing that we need to adopt different kind of production and consumption and need to take responsibility over global common goods: earth – water – air – but also peace and security, global health, and other concerns we share 1.3. Eisnstein: “problems cannot be solved by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. This is the reason why we debate but without solution: >Political parties: no priority to foreign affairs; development aid = liability > corporate sector: pre-occupation with recovery economy and return to situation before crisis > Min. Dev.Cooperation: social engineering and results can be predicted > Development sector: afriad for loosing subsidies 2. Expected changes in aid architecture; effects by 2015 3. Renewal process in ICCO Alliance – ProCoDe – is ongoing; for us the challenge is to stay in the drivers seat of renewal

3 MFS II kaders (2) > MFS volgt keuzes van de minister
60 % te besteden in partnerlanden Koenders Ondergrenzen per land en per thema: € voor DAB € voor MoB + lobby Minder draagvlak – voorzichtiger met lobby We are in turbulent times – in the world with financial crisis, food crisis, climate crisis etc – but also with a crisis in the development sector: 1.1. Debate in NL on relevance of development aid is ongoing; development aid is in a serious credibility crisis. New impuls in the debate is the report of the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) : “Less Pretension – More ambition; Development Aid that makes a Difference” . Report is in Ducth but ICCO has made an English summary; 1.2. Conclusion from food-economic-financial-environmental-security crisis: we live in a globalized and interdependent world. No longer possible to separate: economy - people - poverty - environment Awareness is growing that we need to adopt different kind of production and consumption and need to take responsibility over global common goods: earth – water – air – but also peace and security, global health, and other concerns we share 1.3. Eisnstein: “problems cannot be solved by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. This is the reason why we debate but without solution: >Political parties: no priority to foreign affairs; development aid = liability > corporate sector: pre-occupation with recovery economy and return to situation before crisis > Min. Dev.Cooperation: social engineering and results can be predicted > Development sector: afriad for loosing subsidies 2. Expected changes in aid architecture; effects by 2015 3. Renewal process in ICCO Alliance – ProCoDe – is ongoing; for us the challenge is to stay in the drivers seat of renewal

4 MFS II Proces in grote stappen
Juli 2009 : MFS II kader + stramien = rigide 1 december 2009 : 1ste fase MFS II: 43 aanvragers D-toets O-toets A-toets p-toets 1 april : uitslag 1ste fase: 23 afvallers 20 tekenen bezwaar aan; 3 mogen alsnog door 1 juli : 2de fase MFS II : P-toets 1 november 2010 : uitslag We are in turbulent times – in the world with financial crisis, food crisis, climate crisis etc – but also with a crisis in the development sector: 1.1. Debate in NL on relevance of development aid is ongoing; development aid is in a serious credibility crisis. New impuls in the debate is the report of the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) : “Less Pretension – More ambition; Development Aid that makes a Difference” . Report is in Ducth but ICCO has made an English summary; 1.2. Conclusion from food-economic-financial-environmental-security crisis: we live in a globalized and interdependent world. No longer possible to separate: economy - people - poverty - environment Awareness is growing that we need to adopt different kind of production and consumption and need to take responsibility over global common goods: earth – water – air – but also peace and security, global health, and other concerns we share 1.3. Eisnstein: “problems cannot be solved by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. This is the reason why we debate but without solution: >Political parties: no priority to foreign affairs; development aid = liability > corporate sector: pre-occupation with recovery economy and return to situation before crisis > Min. Dev.Cooperation: social engineering and results can be predicted > Development sector: afriad for loosing subsidies 2. Expected changes in aid architecture; effects by 2015 3. Renewal process in ICCO Alliance – ProCoDe – is ongoing; for us the challenge is to stay in the drivers seat of renewal

5 ICCO Alliantie MFS II aanvraag
Strategisch Plan ICCO Alliantie MFS II aanvraag ICCO Alliance started in 2005 with 6 members: Edukans, ICCO, Kerk in Actie, Oikocredit, Prisma, Share People In other members joined: Yente – network of female entrepreneurs for female entrepreneurs ZZg – Zeister Zendingsgenootschap (since 1793) is related to the Moravian church and mainly working in Surinam and Tanzania; Oikos – ecumenical organization promoting change in the Netherlands; All 9 members participate in the creation of the strategic plan of the Alliance. In the MFS II application, Oikos and Oikocredit are not co-applicants. Both are however involved in the programmes of the ICCO Alliance.

6 ICCO Alliantie voorstel
49 landen 6 thematische programma’s 1) Duurzame Reachtvaardige Economische Ontwikkeling 2) Fair Climate 3) Conflict Transformatie & Democratisering 4) Basic Onderwijs 5) Basic Gezondheidszorg & HIV/AIDS 6) Voedsel zekerheid Belangrijke strategie = samenwerking binnen sectoren bevorderen Daarnaast: ICT in C4C alliantie Water in WASH alliantie In the second phase we will work out the (thematic) programmes of the ICCO Alliance. These programmes should contain information on 7 elements. The format from the Ministry will only come available in March; Therefore we have developed a format based on what we know and what we expect. In this way we don’t need to wait till the end of March but can already start. If we receive the format at the end of March we can then see what additional info is needed.

7 Veranderingen Impulsis MFS II
In MFS II : nadruk van NL draagvlak naar Zuid Impulsis heeft een focus op 4 thema’s: > Gezondheidszorg & HIV/Aids > Lokaal ondernemerschap > Onderwijs > Water & Sanitatie 3. Voor Impulsis gelden zelfde MFS II regels: Aansluiting keuze voor landen en thema’s We are in turbulent times – in the world with financial crisis, food crisis, climate crisis etc – but also with a crisis in the development sector: 1.1. Debate in NL on relevance of development aid is ongoing; development aid is in a serious credibility crisis. New impuls in the debate is the report of the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) : “Less Pretension – More ambition; Development Aid that makes a Difference” . Report is in Ducth but ICCO has made an English summary; 1.2. Conclusion from food-economic-financial-environmental-security crisis: we live in a globalized and interdependent world. No longer possible to separate: economy - people - poverty - environment Awareness is growing that we need to adopt different kind of production and consumption and need to take responsibility over global common goods: earth – water – air – but also peace and security, global health, and other concerns we share 1.3. Eisnstein: “problems cannot be solved by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. This is the reason why we debate but without solution: >Political parties: no priority to foreign affairs; development aid = liability > corporate sector: pre-occupation with recovery economy and return to situation before crisis > Min. Dev.Cooperation: social engineering and results can be predicted > Development sector: afriad for loosing subsidies 2. Expected changes in aid architecture; effects by 2015 3. Renewal process in ICCO Alliance – ProCoDe – is ongoing; for us the challenge is to stay in the drivers seat of renewal

8 Veranderingen binnen ICCO & Kerk in Actie
Global Office Utrecht RO RC RO RO RO RO RC The aim is not only to write a strong MFS II proposal with which we will receive the funds we require. The aim is also to involve all stakeholders of the ICCO Alliance – members of the alliance, staff of the Regional Offices, members of the Regional Councils – and ensure that they are committed to this plan. September 2009 : International Working Conference members ICCO Alliance members RC + IAC RC RC RO RC RC RO RO RC RC


10 Uitkomsten MFS II Totaal aangevraagd 23 allianties € 584 miljoen / jaar Totaal beschikbaar max € 425 miljoen / jaar ICCO Alliantie aanvraag 25% = € 106 miljoen / jaar NB ICCO Alliantie MFS I `0 € 131 miljoen / jaar ICCO Alliantie houdt rekening met minder The thematic programmes - for example on Food and Nutrition security - is more then the sum of the food security programme in the 21 countries. It will for in stance also look to global developments; The regional programme – for example on South Asia – is more then the sum of 5 or 7 thematic programmes. It will also look at regional trends and development and the interactions between programmes in a country or a region.

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