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Hot topic, hot patato? Koen De Meester

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Presentatie over: "Hot topic, hot patato? Koen De Meester"— Transcript van de presentatie:

1 Hot topic, hot patato? Koen De Meester
Key Care Quality Indicators using Hospital Information Systems and Electronic Healthcare Records Hot topic, hot patato? Koen De Meester MScN, PHD Student Director of Nursing Antwerp University Hospital Teaching and research assistant University of Antwerp

2 I am a nurse, manager and do some research
1987: Sint Elisabeth Instituut Leuven Gegradueerde Ziekenhuisverpleegkunde Kliniek Sint-Jan Brussel: Geriatric Ward and Pneumology oncology UZA: Intensive care banaba emergency and critical care internal medicine cardiac surgery Resuscitation training officer ALS, AED In-Hospital UZA: banaba care management Ward leader Post Anaestetic Care Unit 2007- present UZA: MScN Director of nursing 12 wards present UA: PhD student Teaching and research assistant

3 Overview Context Quality management Input and output: Data warehouse
What’s in it for the nurse? What needs the manager? What needs the researcher? Summerized

4 Context There is a lot in it! Good work! High expectations!
L’évaluation de la qualité des soins et de la performance de notre système de santé est au coeur de l’actualité. A cette fin, l’utilisation rationnelle d’indicateurs pertinents reste toujours un défi à relever. Dans le cadre limité du monde hospitalier et à partir de leur expérience de terrain, nos orateurs s’attacheront à montrer comment un système d’information hospitalier (HIS) et, en particulier, le dossier patient informatisé peut actuellement aider à construire, enregistrer ou analyser des indicateurs de qualité des soins. Zorgefficiëntie en zorgkwaliteit alsook de evaluatie er van staan brandend actuele ontwerpen. Vooral het rationeel gebruik van pertinente en betrouwbare indicatoren blijft een uitdaging. De sprekers zullen, op basis van hun eigen ervaring, aantonen hoe een ziekenhuis informatiesysteem (ZIS) en meer bepaald het elektronisch medisch dossier (EMD) kunnen aangewend worden voor identificatie, registratie en analyse van kwaliteitsindicatoren betreffende de zorg.

5 Context Evaluation Quality of care (system)
Performance of care (system) Challenge Rational use of indicators Reliable indicators Indisputable indicators Hope Hospital Information System Electronic Patient Record (Medical ea) Key Care Quality Indicators Identification Registration Analysis

6 Context Indicators? Definition of quality?
In its seminal 2001 report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, the IOM defined quality as "the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.“ authors used the definition to create STEEEP, i.e., all health care should be Safe Timely Effective (outcome) Efficient (proces) Equitable Patient-centered Indicators? Onderwerp of naam

7 Context FOD patiëntveiligheid pijler 3:
indicatoren ontwikkelen kwaliteit en patiëntveiligheid Onderwerp of naam

8 Beleidsnota Vlaams minister Jo Vandeurzen
Context What’s in the media? Beleidsnota Vlaams minister Jo Vandeurzen Patiëntveiligheid Accreditering Meten van zorgresultaten

9 Ziekenhuizen doorgelicht Knack 23 februari 2011
Context What’s in the media? Ziekenhuizen doorgelicht Knack 23 februari 2011 Prof Arthur Vleugels: “wij weten niet wat de kwaliteit van onze ziekenhuizen is” “We lopen achter op kwaliteitsmeting” “De ziekenhuiswet van 1963 zegt niets over de processen en er zijn geen criteria over het resultaat van de zorg.” Prof Lieven Annemans: “minder dan 3% van het budget naar informatie en communicatie technologie tov 4 tot 6% in andere sectoren” “ … het bord schoonvegen want we hebben echt een geïnformatiseerd zorgsysteem nodig.”

10 voor de kwaliteit van de verpleegkundige activiteit: Pijn Decubitus
Context What’s in the media? Indicatoren mbt de kwaliteit van de verpleegkundige activiteit 3 maart 2011 Brussel Federale Raad voor de kwaliteit van de verpleegkundige activiteit: Pijn Decubitus Fixatie Ondervoeding

11 Context What’s in the media? Vlaamse patiënt krijgt meer transparantie over kwaliteit ziekenhuizen Knack woensdag 01 juni 2011 om 14u26 (Belga) De Vlaamse patiënt moet meer transparantie krijgen over de kwaliteit van de ziekenhuizen. Dat is het doel van het protocol "Kwaliteitsindicatoren Vlaamse Ziekenhuizen" dat Vlaams minister van Welzijn en Volksgezondheid Jo Vandeurzen (CD&V) woensdag met diverse spelers uit de Vlaamse gezondheidszorg ondertekende. Het finale doel is het verhogen van de kwaliteit van de zorg voor de patiënten. Vlaams Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid

12 De specialisten dinsdag 25 januari 2011 om 11u48
Context What’s in the media? De specialisten dinsdag 25 januari 2011 om 11u48 Alle Vlaamse ziekenhuizen willen tegen 2013 een website realiseren waarop burgers de kwaliteit van de geleverde zorg kunnen vergelijken. Tegen plannen de Vlaamse private en openbare ziekenhuizen een website met de medische resultaten van elk Vlaams ziekenhuis.

Voorbeelden websites Onderwerp of naam

14 Voorbeelden websites Onderwerp of naam

15 Quality management Indicators at three levels Strategic Tactic

16 Quality management Measures in each improvement model

17 Quality management What to measure?

18 Quality management What to measure? Nursing Executive Center
The Data-Driven Nursing Enterprise: Leveraging Data to Advance Hospital Nursing Performance The Advisory Board Company 2007

19 Onderwerp of naam

20 Quality management How to measure? Hope Hospital Information System
Electronic Patient Record (Medical ea) Need for strong ICT department good ICT tools strong Business Intelligence cell good input rubbish in = rubbish out nothing in = nothing out Nursing Executive Center The Data-Driven Nursing Enterprise: Leveraging Data to Advance Hospital Nursing Performance The Advisory Board Company 2007

21 Quality management How to analyse and interpret? Data correct?
Does it measure what you want to know? Good description of the indicator What’s the target KPI?

22 Input and output data warehouse
Purpose: managment debate at unit level Infrastructure: Number of beds, occupancy ADT index: Flow Case mix SOI Input: Consumables Investments

23 Input and output data warehouse
Personnel: staff (nursing)hours per patient day (NHPPD) Workhour scheduling Sick leave Vacancies/ budget Turnover: attraction/ retention Overtime Education Meetings Patient transport

24 Voorbeeld deel rapport intern patiëntentransport
Onderwerp of naam

25 Input and output data warehouse
Patient satisfaction Delivered care: nursing and medical MVG/MZG/MKG KCE points Facturation Patient outcomes Nursing Outcomes Complications Nosocomial infections Serious Adverse Events: CA, Readmission ICU, Failure to rescue

26 Input and output data warehouse
Data at hand in multiple ICT applications Difficult to extract, not impossible Correct definition of indicator After multidisciplinair consult Strong Business Intelligence Cell Strong ICT department Good ICT tool (f.i. Cognoss)

27 What’s in it for the Nurse?
Patient safety and reliability of care Number of patient observations MRSA Pressure Sores Falls Patient satisfaction Staf wellbeïng Care efficiency (new to measure) Direct patient care time Number of patients goïng home safe and on time

28 What’s in it for the Nurse?
Patient records of lower quality showed more unintentional harm M.C. de Bruijne , M. Zegers ,L.H.F. Hoonhout ,C. Wagner Onbedoelde schade in Nederlandse ziekenhuizen: Dossieronderzoek van ziekenhuisopnames in 2004 ISBN ©2007 EMGO Instituut en NIVEL Nurses and doctors have to put their actions in the record! Point of care registration Easy to access Easy to use No extra clerical work to get Indicators Wants electronic patient record that supports good nursing care not good financing alone (MVG/MZG)


30 What’s in it for the Nurse?
Decision support Aggregated scoring systems Nutrition screening Risk for Falls Risk for pressure sores Delirium For management Annual Report & Feedback Joint decision making At this point nurses are not used to data or indicators regarding their quality of work

31 What needs the manager? Evaluation Challenge Hope
Quality of care (system) Performance of care (system) Challenge Rational use of indicators Reliable indicators Indisputable indicators Hope Hospital Information System Electronic Patient Record (Medical ea) Key Care Quality Indicators Identification Registration Analysis Remember this one?

32 What needs the manager? Dashboard: Annual Report Makes follow-up easy
Evaluation Tree or forest? Pre defined reports Annual Report

33 Example data from warehouse

34 What needs the manager? Analysis: Peer review, benchmarking
What does the indicator means? Interpretation only possible by meeting the stakeholders Peer review, benchmarking Are the indicators the same and reliable?

35 What needs the researcher?
Research on nursing conditions in cases of Serious Adverse Events on general wards Data not always ready to use Problem of diversity in measurements difficult to compare Problem of accessibility f.e. multi-center studies Quantification of information in patient records Data extraction Merging data

36 Summarized Brief overview Complex, indicators in
different levels different goals Standardisation of indicators if possible Helps to objectivate Supports dialogue between frontline and management Supports improvement A long way to go for al parties involved

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